1. Current Runescape Name (and recent RSNs): The Shadows
2. Current Clan Chat Name: The Dawning Light
3. Previous PvP/Warbands related FC's and reason for leaving them: N/A
4. State the name of your vouch here (if none: how did you find out about the FC?): Found on Runescape Forums.
5. Reason for applying to PkFC: I recently got back into the game, and with the new completionist requirements (120 herb and 120 farming), I realized that warbands as well as personal training would be the best/most efficient way to do it.
6. How often do you plan on using this FC?: Several times a week for looting.
7. We use Discord to communicate during Warbands, will you be able to join and listen?: Yes. My discord ID is: Brendan#7942
8. Wars are not mandatory in this FC, but we do however protect each other if hostile players show up; will you be willing to attack them in multi with us?: I have no prior pk experience, but with practice, I will be willing to fight the opponents.
9. On a scale of 1-10 what is your PvP experience?: 0.9
10. What gear and weapon will you be using?: Royal Crossbow + Royal dragonhide
11. Are you willing to add “PkFC” to your Friends List? (required): I will make space for Pkfc for my friends list.
12. There is an additional question in the rules that requires a response here, please read through them carefully: 10
01-May-2020 02:54:38