I hate when members, expect the ftp players, to carry the entire wave of stars. It's not like any member makes a list of ftp worlds. Three member worlds were "discovered" last wave. Thirteen ftp worlds were discovered. One of which was going to have a late next wave star, for the perfect reset sprite.
For two hours, I kept checking on that star, and no one had found it, and mined it to oblivion. Then when I started mining it, I announced it, and luckily no one else came to it. it would be the perfect star. until another ftp guy randomly showed up to it, and my timing was in jeopardy. So I sat there, and didn't mine it.
My mistake was telling the chat, that a reset star was being planned. Cause then the happy-face started asking questions about it, with 20 minutes till reset. Then started asking questions of where it was. Then the golden boy asked me to divulge where it was.
They can't just leave a reset star alone. They want people, lots of people, as it was a ftp star, to come mine it. Two hours of timing, two hours of constantly checking, ruined by an over zealous happy face and the golden boy.
But I'm slowly learning my lesson. If I hunt the stars, stay out of your chat entirely, and just give myself a reset sprite, don't worry about your chat's people missing out on stars found. Your chat, not my concern.
BckPck (also not his name) if you read this, you're correct. This chat constantly takes from ftp, without ever giving back.
10-Apr-2019 01:46:15
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10-Apr-2019 07:08:45