1. What is your current RSN?
2. Do you understand you are not allowed to leave the wave unless the host calls "Wave over"?
3. Do you play Runescape on steam? If so, do you agree not to use the Steam version during warbands? (The steam client can publicly leak our worlds to other pkers)
don't play on steam
4. What gear will you bring to waves with us? Please specify the exact gear.
dragonrider lance, Necronium, dragon
5. Why do you want to do warbands with us? (XP, PKing, Community)
6. Have you ever done warbands before with another FC, and if so, which ones?
years and years ago (5+) i believe I did this one
7. Did anyone recommend you to this FC, and/or do you know anyone from this FC? If so, who?
8. Will you, and have you already added, WBs United to your Friend List?
9. Please rank your experience in PvP from 0-10 (your response to this question will NOT affect your application):
10. Do you understand that failing to attend at least 2 waves per week, without notifying leaders/hosts, will result in FC removal?
11. Answering this question gives us the confirmation that you have read the rules. What will happen if you break the rules or do not follow the gear requirements?
kick and banned from FC
18-Nov-2020 01:51:51