1. Runescape Name-Chilledkiler
2. Former Runescape names-Tpkers,Spookedkiler,cooledBro,cooledkiller
3. Former WBS/PvP experience- i can fight people for a while and not die.
3a. Reason for leaving your last WBS fc.-inactive
4. Clan Name-Goonsquad
5. PvP Experience- some ranging pvps once
5a. Preferred style- range
6. How did you find out about our FC- youtube
7. Have you set your RuneMetrics profile to public?- yes
8. Do you have the SavagePK account added?- yes
9. Do you have access to teamspeak3 ( you don't have to talk just listen) - yes
10. Do you agree to our rules? - yes
Savage PK Join today!
07-Nov-2018 00:04:48