I've thought about my situation for the last few days and read the responses from others by mulling it.
The conclusion I came to is that the reason I'm doing dailies is because I am associating them with something I earned.
Example 1
I'm breeding animals to get better animal traits because I've "earned" that by leveling farming.
Example 2
I'm taking items from the outfits because they again offer a perk I've "earned" by acquiring entire sets of the outfits. Therefore, I consider them goods left on the table if I don't take them regularly and time savers.
Example 3
Keys, they are free xp so this is just a matter of taking something because it's there. Admittedly I find myself doing that at the start of my gameplay session so again I'm considering it something I "earned" just because a day passed (in game time).
This seems to be a human hurdle I'm not going to overcome. I'm a frugal person by nature so earning something then not taking advantage of it is always against my brain to ignore it.
Also I believe I leaned on events as "new content" because I couldn't complete the quests and participate in new content gated in that manner.
I just don't fit the game longterm. That's my conclusion. Thanks for the posts. It gave me some insight because while I initially thought... oh so it's my fault... is it... it's my fault for doing dailies. Turns out I can accept that if I understand why I'm doing it and if I'm willing to change. In this case I'm not willing to change a conservative outlook in life or appreciating something I think I worked for.
I wasn't going to write feedback but since they moved the post to a forum for that... guess they wanted it. There's your feedback.
12-Nov-2022 08:42:37
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12-Nov-2022 08:44:12