Skill: Hunter
Pet name: Ace
What I was doing: I was doing some Divination at the Incandescent colony, one of the wisps released a random chronicle so I captured it and got the Hunter pet, lol... (collecting chronicles give you Hunter xp)
Finished a lap on Hefin Agility Course. Got at total 91m experience 2 weeks after update. (Also had Full Nimble, Silverhawk boots, Illumination aura, Hefin VOS, and cocktail boost, but these shouldn't affect pet chance)
Pet Name:
Exactly what you were doing:
Pickpocketed Amlodd elves. Got around total 36.7m experience 1 week after update. (Was wearing desert camo and Amlodd VOS was active, though again shouldn't affect pet chance)
I wasn't really trying to get Ralph (probably did <100k thieving experience) whereas I was actually trying to get Dojo Mojo. Good ol' RNG. :')
Crystallizing box trapped grenwalls in the Prifddinas Gorajo resource dungeon on Illumination. I was only level 94 with ~8.5 million experience at the time, so I obviously wasn't expecting it!
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