Skill: Divination
Pet Name: Willow
Exactly what you were doing: did some divination at Incandescent 5 minutes before caches started
Skill: Dungeoneering
Pet Name: Gordie
Exactly what you were doing: casual dungeoneering with people
Skill: thieving
Pet Name: Ralph
Exactly what you were doing: did some thieving at trahaearn
Skill: Invention
Pet Name: Malcolm
Exactly what you were doing: disassembled my augmented ganodermic at max guild casual disassembling
Skill: Fletching
Pet Name: Flo
Exactly what you were doing: did broad arrows during double exp weekend
Skill: Farming
Pet Name: Brains
Exactly what you were doing: decided to check my magic tree at trahaearn
Skill: Runecrafting
Pet Name: Rue
Exactly what you were doing: afk runespan i got it as i said i'm stressed out
Skill: Firemaking
Pet Name: Bernie
Exactly what you were doing: burning magic logs at al kharid
Skill: Agility
Pet Name: Dojo Mojo
Exactly what you were doing: Was training my agility at priffdinas hefin course
Skill: Crafting
Pet Name: Gemini
Exactly what you were doing: Was crafting black d'hide body
Skill: Herblore
Pet Name: Herbert
Exactly what you were doing:was making extremes
Skill: Slayer
Pet Name: Crabbe
Exactly what you were doing: was doing my reaper task
Skill: Smithing
Pet Name: Smithy
Exactly what you were doing: was smelting my corrupted ores
Skill: Fishing
Pet Name: Bubbles
Exactly what you were doing: was fishing at priffdinas
14-Nov-2016 15:40:43
- Last edited on
14-May-2017 11:06:42
Animal Love