Skill: Cooking
Pet Name: Ramsay
Exactly what you were doing: I was cooking lobsters on a yew fire at Burth to AFK for a bit. I look back to screen and see I got Ramsay, was very unexpected but a pleasant surprise. I got him at level 106 cooking.
Skill: Runecrafting
Pet Name: Rue
Exactly what you were doing: I was siphoning a fire storm node on the second level of RuneSpan, while wearing the death ethereal outfit. I can't remember exactly how much exp total since pet release Rue took, but I obtained it at level 110 rc.
Skill: Dungeoneering
Pet Name: Gordie
Exactly what you were doing: I ended on an abandoned 2 floor, 5:3 difficulty. Gordie took about 25M+ dg xp, 2.8m of which was after the 200m threshold.