You mentioned a farming plot. How about one plot, and only one, for gathering skills, which you could set for whichever skill you want? One player could build a pond, while another builds a farming plot, and a third has an archaeology site with a few caches, and a fourth has their own wisp colony?
Also, all of these benefits don't come with any XP in construction. Adding a room does not give XP, nor does clicking on anything in the house to teleport or gain some effect. What if your house slowly degraded, and required upkeep? Repairing your walls would give you construction XP at a much better rate and/or cost than making useless furniture. If you neglected your house for too long, you would lose access to certain rooms until you cleared your way there. You could also request other players help, or repair other players' houses if they asked for your help. Just a thought.
09-Jun-2020 18:51:53