Okay, so the Clan Cloak. Currently a piece of content that is completely cosmetic, save for giving a bit of XP. It's useless to the point that instead of wearing their CLans colors when doing things like CLan wars or wildernes activities, people wear a Team Cape. Why don't we do something about that.
So there are a few things here I think should be done.
1: Make the clan cloak have the same functionality of the Team cape in stopping you from attacking others from your clan wearing the same cloak. Allow clans to band together for things like Clan Wars or wilderness battles while proudly showing off their clan colors.
2: Allow players to sacrifice a team cape, or any untradable cape to the Captain of the Guard at the Clan Camp to give their clan cloak stats equal to it. Untradable specifically so that stats gained aren't purely a status of money. Once doing this, the reclaim cost for the Clan Cloak becomes equal to the reclaim cost of said sacrificed cape. So if sacrificing a Legends cape, it's 250 gp to reclaim, if sacrificing a skill cape, it's 99K to reclaim. So on. If you sacrifice a higher level cape than what is available in f2p, it will default stats to the highest level f2p cape you have unlocked.
Currently, yes there is a cosmetic override for Clan Cloaks. But cosmetics don't show in any pvp areas. So allow us to proudly show which clan we are in in pvp areas while not losing basic functionality of things like Team Capes.
Leader of
The Enemy
The opposite of Justice is simply another Justice. What is Evil is subjective to each person.
support this would be ideal in gamers grotto as well
Thanks. I know some people don't really like pvp, but I really just want more of a spread of things like Clan Colors. If clans are going to be a thing in this game, make it so we can advertise ourselves in more and more places, without limiting our gameplay.
One MMO I sometimes play, we have our clan as a seperate title above our heads. Would love to see something like clan tags as another thing we could add in. Like my clan is The Enemy. So we would set the tag as NME, and have it prefix our names. That way people don't have to change their names to have clan tags.
Leader of
The Enemy
The opposite of Justice is simply another Justice. What is Evil is subjective to each person.
Draco Burnz
Considering both CW and wild are pretty much "dead content", why should jagex spend time making this when it might not get hardly any use?
I mean from the looks of things, wild is going to be "pvp free" by the end of the year thus even less reason to do anything about that.
Plus minigames are hardly ever used and i dont see how this would magically revitalize it?
It's called tieing up loose ends. This is something that has been in th game since 2011. 11 years it's been in-game. Clans used to be such a huge part of this game, and no Jagex has all but given up on them. No clan cups. No ranked clan wars. Nerfed avatars into the ground. I sooo long for the days when we had clans like Wilderness Gaurdians who would run around protecting those getting attacked. Or you'd see Clan Colors and think "Ooh, they're top tier pvmers, or shit, they'll pk us all. Better scram."
The fact of the matter is, with the right updates to clans, to things like chat and groups, to minigames, anything could see a resurgance, even pvp. But we've gotta do things to get the community moving.
Leader of
The Enemy
The opposite of Justice is simply another Justice. What is Evil is subjective to each person.
are their evil
24-Jun-2022 08:59:25
- Last edited on
24-Jun-2022 09:00:58
Jack Flac