It still eludes me as to why but whenever a thread with "drakes" and "toggle", "hide" or simmilar stuff appears it always sparks such a heated
for a lack of a better word
I can understand people that buy a pet want other to be able to see them, I myself am guilty of this after all. What I can't understand however is why people get so extremely defensive when others are experiancing problems from something and are asking for a solution that doesn't effect you in the slightest. They aren't asking for the removal of the damned thing, they just want an option to not have to see it. Would it honestly be such a pain for you that you can't force others to have to see some thing that in the end adds nothing other than being fancy.
A toggle option would be a reasonable solution. You can still use your pet people that have no issues with it can still see it and people that have problems with it, be it medical or technological, will not. At the end of the day everyone can play the game they enjoy in a way they enjoy it most.
The fact that there are people whose pet purchase decision was influenced by the knowledge of everyone seeing the pet, with no toggle to hide it, is alone reason enough to not do a toggle, because there isn't any mandatory reason to make it. Somebody not liking the sight of the pet isn't a mandatory reason, or else people would request all kinds of silly toggles under the sole reason that they don't like something.
Then there's the technical side: the more toggles you add, the messier the interface becomes to use, and the more complicated it is to fix certain bugs, because some bugs might only surface when you have certain toggles set up on a specific way. If you compare RS3 and OSRS interfaces, RS3 has a lot of clutter that isn't really needed, and sadly OSRS has begun adding some too thanks to mobile. Consider the future, since everything adds up.