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the reqs to make/ wear the hiegher tier gear is rediculous and should defintely be nerfed. i mean hell if i could just buy the gear and wear it that would be one thing but you have to make the gear before you can even wear it so whats the point of even buying it and it means im required to do end game bosses which is near impossible on my satillite internet.
Glad I am not the only one who has been put off by the gear requirements.
We should be able to buy them and wear them like with all other combat skills. For example, many players worked hard to get the gp and levels to purchase and use their T90 noxious weaponry, even if they didn't kill for it or didn't craft it.
Let us buy our gear. I get it, you want to make Necro a 'special journey', but this is out of character and out of balance for a RuneScape combat skill and is a massive barrier for a lot of players.
Suggestion: keep the quest and boss requirements to
the gear, but remove the restriction that you
must have crafted them at least once to wear them
. In other words, please let us buy (and equip!) our gear without having to make it. We're not all playing ironman.
Other suggestion after some thought on rituals:
Have the little soul-guys below the ritual progress bar change color when a soul/horror/etc appears. It might make it a little easier to notice them in time. When we're chatting in clans, etc, it's not always possible to pay full-focus attention to the ritual, so a little extra change/notice would help.
Never mind, I tried playing again today and found the new ritual notifications to be more than satisfactory. Huge improvement. Thank you Jagex!
Happiness has no queues.
14-Aug-2023 15:54:24
- Last edited on
14-Aug-2023 17:54:30
shady troll