Reachian sensors have noted a sharp increase in in-system ships, namely in the Belozay-Earth routes. Concern is minimal, almost solely focused on preventing collisions as Reachian shipping corporations want as little overhead as possible & collisions sharply increase said overhead costs.
In a potentially unrelated incident, recently a large unregistered transport was boarded by planetary authorities. During the boarding, the ship's crew attempted to first self-destruct, and after their attempt failed due to an AI routine overriding the mechanism, attempted to initiate a crash-course with the R.S.V. 'Devastation', also unsuccessful due to the AI routine. Inside their holds, unlisted on their manifests, was a considerable cache of weapons. The exact amount of weaponry confiscated has not been released, but is stated to be enough to equip several infantry regiments. Alongside said weaponry, other gear such as vests, rucksacks, ammo pouches, and helmets was uncovered for a similar number of soldiers/militia. The major implications are worrisome.
The destination & port of origin of the weapon shipment is still unknown, but the provenance of the weapons varies widely; among others, there were Porschestani, Atlanti, Reachian, Neran, Rytomi (? Is this the right term? Or is 'Rytomian' correct in this context?), & Lunian surplus weapons. How these weapons came into Reachian space is unknown, but investigations are on-going.
15-Apr-2014 15:02:01