
Create Your Own Country 42

Quick find code: 55-56-991-65256397



Posts: 310 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Name of Country: Tanicia Republic

Capital City: Canlar

Country Type: neutral

Government Type: Parliamentary democracy

Ruler: Prime Minister j68flyby

Population: 1.5 Billion

Economy Type: socialist

Currency: Tanicia dollar ($Tan)

Troops(including reserves):
Army: 4250000
Marines: 1350000
Air Force: 1200000
Navy: 2780000
Task group J86: 25000

end HFPE

Tech list:
Inter planetary transport ships

Rail guns

Coil guns

Future soldier ballistic armour

Inter Planet battle ships

Plasma shield V1.0

Carapace armour

Melta guns

FTL drive

1st fleet

2nd fleet

3rd fleet

4th fleet

Planet defence stations

Teleportation system

Tanicia energy shield



Rapid deployment and extraction Transport

Blade class ships:

Gladius Class Carriers

Rapier Class Fighter



Dagger Class Bomber

Hatchet Class Cruiser

Claymore Class Battle Ship

Cutlass Class Frigate

Drop Pods

Moon Base Able

Moon Base Bravo

The Colonial Research and Development Facility


Land list:

Tanicia (Home Planet, fictional)
New Canlar (Moon of Tanicia, fictional)
65% of Pacifica (Moon of Tanicia, fictional)
Mining Colony (Moon of Tanicia, fictional)
Castrum (Planet, Fictional)
Pelorum (Moon of Castrum, fictional)
Parth (Moon of Castrum, fictional)
Vietnam (Real, Earth land)
California (Real, Earth land)
Baja California (Real, Earth land)

What are rules 1 and 9?: 1. No overpowering is allowed. No nation is immortal. And 9. Please be aware that even if the written rules do not restrict something, remain sensible in your actions. I will provide final judgment.

Start Date: 16/6/12

edit: sorry attacker didn't mean to cut into your reserves

edit 2: no this is it

05-Jan-2014 08:37:04 - Last edited on 05-Jan-2014 08:52:12 by j68Flyby



Posts: 1,205 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Name of Country: The Republic Of Reach
Capital City: Tankograd
Country Type: Defensive
Created: 3/06/11.
Milestone dates:
First millennial anniversary: 11/29/13? I think that's right...

Government Type: Democracy
Ruler: President Henry Robertson.

Civilians: 113,238,595,000 humans.
Population #: 152,043,335,000.

Economy Type: Capitalistic.
Currency: Reach Credits.
Yearly Cash Flow: Roughly 112,101,933,650,000 RC's on an average year.
Current federal debt: 0 RC's.
Current federal surplus: 9,962,264,735,700,000 RC's.
Major industries: Mining and other raw-material goods, manufacturing, oil, technology, Mountain Dew, Millennial Coca Cola, military goods, whiskey, & agricultural goods.

(Troop amounts were taking up too much room.)

What are rules 1 and 9?:
1. No overpowering of any country is allowed. No nation is immortal.
9. Please be aware that even if the written rules do not restrict something, remain sensible in your actions. I (SirJoseph9) will provide final judgment.

Planet you want to start out in: Reach.

(Just a repost.)

Territory list:
The Republic of Reach.
Lunus Alphus (Reach's larger moon.)
Lunus Betus (Reach's smaller moon.)
Earth holdings: Colorado, Wyoming, Ohio, Pennsylvania, New York, & Truk Atoll (Known as Chuuk Atoll since 1990, but I'm calling Truk. That's what it was in WWII and I don't care what people say.)
A mining colony on Death.
3 mining colony ring-worlds. (They're rings with terrain on the inside curve.)

Magery [???].
Dogone143 [Eno Remnant].

Olympic medals:
-4th Summer-
20 Gold Medals.
11 Silver Medals.
15 Bronze Medals.

Up to date as of 12/21/13.

05-Jan-2014 08:37:14 - Last edited on 10-Feb-2014 14:41:28 by Attacker732



Posts: 1,205 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Troops #: 38,804,740,000 soldiers.
Types of Troops:
Infantry: 125,000,000 infantry divisions.
Armored Cars: 1,800,000 Mk 15’s.
Special forces: 26,815,000 SPARTANS.
HFPE: 6,815,000 ODAM's End HFPE.
Main Battle Tanks: 1,350,000 Mk 15's.
Mobile Artillery: 1,350,000 Mk 14 Howitzer tanks.
Stationary Artillery: 225,000 F155 Field Guns, 225,000 GH203 Gun-Howitzers, 225,000 SHH240 Heavy Guns, 450,000 50lb rail guns, 450,000 125lb rail guns, 225,000 250lb rail guns, 225,000 500lb rail guns, 225,000 1T rail guns, 180,000 5T rail guns, 180,000 50T Light Rail Guns, 180,000 150T Medium Rail Guns, 150,000 500T Heavy Rail Guns, 105,000 5,000T Super-Heavy Rail Guns, 105,000 25,000T Super-Heavy Rail Guns, 105,000 100,000T Super-Heavy Rail Guns, 15,000 1MT Super-Heavy Rail Guns, 250 10MT Super-Heavy Rail Guns.
Anti-aircraft vehicles: 450,000 Mk 13 AA tanks, 225,000 Mk 16 HAA tanks.
Light Vehicles: 450,000 Motorcycle gunners.
Logistics Vehicles: 150,000 trucks (Armed.).
Aircraft: 1,440,000 Fighters, 480,000 bombers, 240,000 Mk 14 Heavy gunships, 480,000 Mk 14 Light Gunships, 480,000 HATGS Mk 12, 960,000 Mk 13 Cargo planes.

(Space units moved to seperate post due to lack of space...)

05-Jan-2014 09:53:07 - Last edited on 10-Feb-2014 14:43:43 by Attacker732



Posts: 1,205 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
4,500,000 Mk 2 defensive spacecraft. (4,500,000 mothballed.)
96,400,000 Mk 3.7 defensive spacecraft.
250 I-class frigates (Earmarked for the Remnant Empire.).
25 I-class cruisers (Earmarked for the Remnant Empire.).
82,500 II-class frigates.
27,500 II-class cruisers.
825,000 III-class frigates.
275,000 III-class cruisers.
825,000 IV-class frigates.
275,000 IV-class cruisers.
55,000 IV-class heavy cruisers.
9,000,000 Corvette class Destroyers.
5,400,000 Halcyon class Battleships.
3,600,000 Assault class Cruisers.
1,800,000 Patton class Aircraft Carriers.
3,600,000 Jorge class Battle-Carriers (Aircraft carrier+ battleship, made to be twice
the size of the Carrier.)
3,600,000 Spartan class assault carriers.
2,400,000 Emile-Class assault-cruisers.
12,000 OMEGA-Class Super-carriers.
60,000,000 SF Mk 13.
60,000,000 SB Mk 11.
30,000,000 SGS Mk 18.
120,000,000 SLC Mk 14.
750 MONITOR-class assault carrier.
1 Phoenix-class Dreadnought.

Misc. units:
1,253,000 Orbital Defense Platforms Mk 14.
25 S.C.A.V.'s (Bought from Volcano/Juton.)

Non-combat units:
480,000 transports bought from E Chip, used as primary escape pods on the OMEGA-class, now produced under license.

05-Jan-2014 09:53:13 - Last edited on 10-Feb-2014 14:45:22 by Attacker732



Posts: 1,205 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Military Tech (weapons and defense):
Automatic 300mm howitzers.
Super-chobham armor.
Missile-intercept weapons.
Hyper-sonic fighters & bombers.
Vehicle-mounted Gauss rifles.
Powered assault suits (Spin-offs of Volcano's Combat armor V3...)
Extreme energy shields.
Space-capable warships.
Extreme plasma weapons.
HFPE: Orbital Drop Assault Mechs. End HFPE.
Orbital Defense Platforms.
Pulse drives.

An infantry company comprises of:
20 Riflemen.
4 Machine-gunners.
2 Anti-material snipers.
1 Regular sniper.
1 Anti-tank soldier.
6 Paratroopers.
2 Mortar soldier.
1 Demolitions soldier.

(SPARTANS do not have a set purpose, but are super-soldiers and can do almost any military task needed.)

SPARTANS are now equipped with Mk CLV assault suits.

05-Jan-2014 09:53:33 - Last edited on 05-Jan-2014 11:33:42 by Attacker732



Posts: 1,205 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Notable ships:

List of OMEGA-Class vessels & Locations:

RSV 'Sentinal': Orbiting Reach.
RSV 'Dragonfire': Orbiting Reach.
RSV 'Ballista': Orbiting Reach.
RSV 'Two For Flinching': Orbiting Reach.
RSV 'Ohio': Orbiting Reach.
RSV 'Normandy': Orbiting Reach.
RSV 'Trebuchet': Orbiting Reach.
RSV 'Johnston': Orbiting Reach.
RSV 'Enterprise': Orbiting Reach.
RSV 'Arizona': Orbiting Reach.
11,990 other unnamed-as-of-yet OMEGA-class: Orbiting Reach.

List of MONITOR-class vessels & location:

RSV 'Spearhead': Orbiting Reach.
RSV 'Dreadnought': Orbiting Reach.
RSV 'Bunker Hill': Orbiting Reach.
RSV 'Conflagration': Orbiting Reach.
RSV 'Utah': Orbiting Reach.
RSV 'Hornet': Orbiting Reach.
RSV 'Yorktown': Orbiting Reach.
RSV 'Destroyer': Orbiting Reach.
RSV 'Armageddon': Orbiting Reach.
RSV 'Finishing the Fight': Orbiting Reach.
RSV 'Devastation': Orbiting Reach.
739 other unnamed-as-of-yet MONITOR-class: Orbiting Reach.

List of Phoenix-class vessels & locations: (Err... Location for now ...)

RSV 'Phoenix': Orbiting Reach.

05-Jan-2014 09:53:39 - Last edited on 05-Jan-2014 11:36:02 by Attacker732



Posts: 1,205 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Reserved for the Republic Of Reach.

This is it for them.

I feel that I should claim another system soon enough...

No Magery, not in time for the war to start on the other thread, but it's on the table for me to do.

05-Jan-2014 09:53:54 - Last edited on 05-Jan-2014 12:42:19 by Attacker732

Sithlord Man

Sithlord Man

Posts: 10,236 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
¤ Country Rubric ¤

Name of Country: Republic of Arrentine
Capital City: Kiev, Ukraine
Country Type: Neutral

Government Type: Dictatorship
Ruler: Sithlord Man II
Population: 2,522,450,780 (Population breakdown below)

Economy Type: Capitalist
Currency: Arrentian Credit
Yearly Cash Flow: 140 Trillion (Post War Stat)

Troops: 27,500,000
Types of Soldiers: Arrentinian Defense Force Stucture:
-Army (Arrentinian Defense Army)
-Air Force (Arrentinian Air Defense Force)
-Navy (Arrentinian Naval Defense Fleet)
-Space Command (Arrentinian Defense Fleet)
Military Tech (weapons and defence): Below
6th Edition Defense Network (Developed back in CYOC 30s)
Mark X Defense Network Relay Center
**nator Class Star Destroyers
-See next post

Start Date: 12/9/09

Planet you want to start out in (optional): Arrentine Major

Anything else you want to add: Population break down between Planets and Earth lands:
-Arrentine Major: 1,606,999,640
-Arrentine Minor and Star System: 570,339,500
-Dag'Ron Tek: 50,000 at L4 and L5 points for security and a small outpost of the planet
- Earth Lands: 345,059,640 (Eastern Europe, Iran, Africa, Alaska and some other small regions)
- Orion Nebula Colonies: 37,000 (Orionis Zal, Armas Zil, Dag'Ron Tog, Palavan)

Land Divisions:
Lithuania (Protectorate, Claimable)
Latvia (Protectorate, Claimable)
New Bautino, Kazakhstan
Mongolia (Protectorate, Claimable)
Anchorage City State (Sub Division of Alaska)
-Other Holdings-
Dag'Ron Tek (abandoned, security forces and reconstruction members allowed)
Arrentine Major and Minor (Planet and Moon system)
Orionis Zal
Armas Zil
Dag'Ron Tog

05-Jan-2014 23:25:48 - Last edited on 23-May-2014 07:56:43 by Sithlord Man

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