(BTW, this is Super/Live in case you didn't know my first name on here. My usernames have come full circle.
Name of Country: Initertia (Ee-neh-tuhr-sha)
Capital City: Imbis*a City (Ehm-beh-shee-ah)
Government Type: Constitutional Confederation
Rulers: The Intilateral, that is, the eight governors of each state/territory
Population (No more than 1 million at start): 1 million (OOG: This seems excessively small...)
Economy Type: Capitalist
Currency: Intia (En-sha)- roughly 107% U.S. Dollar
Yearly Cash Flow: 30 billion In**a
Troops # (No more then 50k at start): 50K
Types of Soldiers: 6, details later.
Military Tech (weapons and defence): Advanced, details later.
What are rules 1 and 9?: No overpowering, be sensible
Start Date: 2-3-15
Planet you want to start out in (optional): Initertia and five of its 12 moons: Ambitia, Ecstacia, Excurtia, Opportutia, Outiertia.
Anything else you want to add:
Initertia is a massive planet compared to Earth with a 40,000 mile diameter. It's surface is 85% water, with most of that water locked in ice covering 70% of the surface. The three major continents are visible from the same side of the planet- the other side is vast freshwater ocean. The five colonial moons hold populations ranging from 15,000 to 40,000, and each is similar in terrain as well as size- covered in ice and from 1500 to 2200 miles in diameter. It is believed these moons were once part of Initertia, and splintered from the larger planet as a result of stray debris from a nearby supernova event. Initertia's dwarf neighbor planet, Superia, the only other in the binary star system, was part of the supernova explosion.The other seven moons are uninhabitable. Six are too small to hold a sufficient atmosphere, and are simply named "Intertia I", etc. based on their orbital paths (details later), and the seventh, Eclipt**a (Ee-clipt-sha) was used in centuries past for nuclear weapons testing.
More coming tomorrow.
03-Feb-2015 04:52:36