The wise old man is nicknamed Dissy by several NPCs.
These NPC's including Xenia.
Xenia is a main NPC in the quest Blood Pact.
In Blood Pact 3 Zamorakian cultists kidnapped Wizard Ilona.
Trolls can be found in Burthrope and parts of Taverley ->
In Taverley, players can create a War Tortoise pouch at the obelisk ->
A War Tortoise can be used to fight trolls.
Max's obsessions with gainsssss
has led to him secretly adding strange rocks to Dahmaroc's statue in the Varrock Museum.
While doing this, he and Lead Archaeologist Abigail fell in love. Abigail has been under a lot of stress as the Museum's rapid expansion has been very costly, with the Museum having financial difficulties due to its spending. Abigail has been investigating Simon Templeton, as she believes he is working in cahoots with the Varrock Museum guards for personal gain.
--> finds true love,
lead archaeologist Abigail
, while possessing strange rocks --> Abigail senses fraud, trickery, embezzlement, and theft between
Terrova is rescued by the Player and Vanna**
Vanna*a is a Slayer Master alongside Morvran
Morvranis in the Iorwerth Clan
The Iorwerth Clan was aligned with the Dark Lord
The Dark Lord killed (or at least abosbed) the soul of King Lathas
4-5 degrees depending on viewpoint.
Dyed Blue Sheep and the Barge Foreman at the Digsite
Dyed blue sheep are fin the Ardougne area
Ardougne has several quests that give kudos to the Varrock Museum
Varrock Museum has several workers aiding it
The workers include the barge workmen at the digsite
The Barge workmen work for the Barge Foreman
Skippy, much like Karamja, has been unnecessarily dragged into the Mega May cases, and I hardly visited either one of them anyway. One degree of separation.
Kerapac is a dragonkin, a being whose goal it is to protect 'False Users' from the Stone of Jas.
The Stone of Jas is a powerful object that will give users power.
The Stone is sought by many individuals, including the Mahjarrat.
Some of these Mahjarrat include General Khazard.
Moia's experience (saga) in Daemonheim can be recounted by/thru Skaldrun
Skaldrun let's you replace an experience (Saga) of Thok and Marmaros as well
- not to mention he's in the Frem camp at Daemonheim