You know you're in RuneScape when this guy smashes your soul apart with a massive teal 2-handed sword, and you're not even scratched, then you kill them in 1 hit, ignoring their full teal body armour.
Note: The teal armour is rune, referenced by the obvious fact that rune is coloured teal, making this quote make sense.
Note: If that didn't make sense, just remember rune is coloured teal, which is why the 2h and armour is teal.
Note: If you still don't understand, nevermind.
Strength through AWESOME! ~P2012
good ones everyone, here is another one...
You know you are in runescape when you see your sword plunge right through and out the other side of your foe, but instead of dieing, u see a little blue hitsplash thing say 0 and no dammage!
* Green Mage
~ Bringing the GREEN to Runescape since 2010
You know when you're in runescape when... you can switch genders with magic.
You know when you're in runescape when... you can form a runite platebody in 3 strokes of a hammer.
You know when you're in runescape when... fail trolls that are nerdy, scrawny, 6th graders with pocket protectors come up to you and have the nerve to critisize you.
you know when you are in runescape when a tree grows in a nanosecond.
When people walk into the marketplace with full armour and a big godsword
when people buy paper hats for 2.1 billion