i was doin slayer task at banshees resently but forgot earmuffs, i didnt relise this til i had verrry low skills,
i went to wildy forgeting my skills and attacked a lvl 3 in lvl 40 wildy, i dealt 0.....0.....0...ect. and eventually a 1, i thought... how could this be? and i remember my skillz!
i run as fast as i can out of the wild but the lvl 3, seeing that i stink starts saying things like,"noob,im like 40 lvls lower than u and u cant even hit me haha! and stuff like that so u want to prove that u can at least kill him so u turn on best prayer u have and ur stats have gone up to about 7 att/str/def ect. and attk him, your first hit is a miss, second hit is a 2, and then it happends...
the lvl 3.
shoots a single arrow, probably bronze and it deals a 38...
u dont know how exactly... but he does.
u fall to the floor... the last thing u see b4 u die........
on your chat the last thing said was.
04-Dec-2007 02:11:45