^ Has been designated a priority target for "retraining" by Mobile Task Force Alpha-1 for unsanctioned release of classified information and breach of SCP-company NDA.
< [redacted]
v Is a member of Mobile Task Force Alpha-1 here to carry out their primary mission objective.
‡±General Tap's War Chest±‡
Twitter: @
^ Will Google "SCP-173" and be introduced...just don't blink.
< Prefers chocolate paired with peanut butter, and in cup-form.
v Has never boken a bone.
‡±General Tap's War Chest±‡
Twitter: @
^ has never broken the sound barrier
< definitely has never broken a bone (but did strain a pair of interior knee ligaments)
v regularly breaks the speed of light
^ Is trying to solve this new paradox.
< Is only willing to divulge how he travelled faster than the speed of light without breaking the sound barrier to a single person.
v Now knows the secret.
‡±General Tap's War Chest±‡
Twitter: @