^got a shiny Simisage
>gave my mother a really good mothers day gift
v going to make the dish Burning love with pure Sweet potato puree and some heart shaped veggies
^ended up with Burning love with pure Sweet potato puree and some heart good veggies instead
>made Brown cheese caramels
v probably have to say goodbye to an old helper tomorrow.
^ Has seer abilities since tomorrow I'll say bye to a techie who helped me with my old laptop
< Uses a toaster from an arcane era to play rs
v Plays all sorts of stuff in a gamer laptop/desktop
Leveling +110 all skills and completing stuff here and there
^ Probably a healthier person than me
< Would love to see Zaros and Guthix turned into a rs version of purple/green hummus
v Has an appointment with dentist tomorrow
Leveling +110 all skills and completing stuff here and there
^ Has a spaceship capable of travel faster than the speed of light.
< Can tame wild animals such as lions,tigers,crocodiles,sharks,re introduced dinosaurs.
v Saved Earth by traveling to the core and re enabling the rotation,obtained many rare treasure while traveling back to the surface.