As Threes dashes down the stairs, eager to complete her quest, she hears the voices of The Holy Trinity: "REMEMBER THE ANSWERS YOU GAVE AT THE GATE. THEY WILL BE YOUR GUIDE." "The key lies within your heart." "cHoOsE wIsElY 333333333" Threes races down the hallway. About halfway down, she stops at a wooden door leading north. She opens the door and walks into a large, dimly lit chamber. The walls are covered with strange, yet familiar, symbols that repeat throughout the room. She sees several combat-related drawings, but also notices a person running, a fish on a hook, a cooking pot, a light bulb, a watering can, a small mask, some leaves, a pair of arrows, an anvil, a pickaxe, a fire, a tree, a saw cutting a piece of wood, a rune, a wolf head, and an animal track, among others. Threes also see nine marble statues lining the north wall. They look like the hooded priests she saw earlier. Each statue holds a small wooden box in its hands. Threes thinks to herself, "Oh no! Not more boxes!" Each box has a different symbol painted along its front, similar to some on the walls. On the boxes from left to right, Threes sees a sword, a shield, a fist, a heart, a bow and arrow, a wizard hat, a pointed star, a familiar-looking ring, and a skull with a knife stuck in it. Threes concluded, "Well, I can't fight the statues. I'll have to pick a box. My answers at the gate will be my guide. Ok, but how? The key lies within my heart. There is a heart. Could that be the answer? No, that's too easy. Choose wisely. Of course, I don't want to get this wrong. My soul is at stake!" Threes looks over the boxes again - and makes her choice!
What was Threes' choice?
I loudly call out, "It sure would be nice to have some help hauling away all this treasure!" When my friend emerges from his hiding place and says, "I thought you said there was treasure!" I reply, "I thought you were gone." I take away his hammer and re-chain him. "When we get back to town, you are on your own!"
Aslon Dak: Still 'Scaping after 19 years!
You can buy XP. You can't buy experience.
"...From The 'Scape" is very nearly here.
29-Nov-2018 00:15:41