For a moment, Threes' pain made her believe it was possible to visit a drawing! Then she managed to focus and remembered her plan to visit someone wise and old. "To Draynor!", Threes said as she Home Teleported to the Draynor lodestone. After a quick stop at the bank to heal her wounds, Threes strolled across the street and knocked on the door of the home of The Wise Old Man. She heard a voice say "Go away! I'm not here!" Threes knocked again. The voice stated "I told you I'm not here! Begone!" Threes opened the door and said "Excuse me, Mr. Wise Old Man, but I seek your help with something." He replied, "You did not fall for my clever ruse, so you might as well come in. How may I assist you, young man?" Threes corrected him, "I am NOT a man!" The Wise Old Man replied, "Really? I am rarely wrong about these sort of things. Are you quite sure?" "Quite sure", she said. He said, "Very well. Have it your own way. Now, how can I help?" Threes began, "Well, I found this ancient scroll..." The Wise Old Man stopped her mid-sentence. "Something is wrong! Something is very, very wrong! Tell me child, am I wearing my blue partyhat?" Threes answered, "No." He yelled, "I knew I felt a draft! Oh woe is me! I've lost my beautiful blue partyhat!" Pointing to three large books on the table in front of him, The Wise Old Man asked, "Why are these books here? I don't recall leaving them there!" Threes looked at the books. One book entitled "Demons From Beyond" had a white bookmark in it. Another book called "Cooking With Magic" had no bookmark. The third book, "FashionScape", had a blue bookmark. Where does Threes look for the lost partyhat?
My drunken friend came in looking for me because I have his money!
Aslon Dak: Still 'Scaping after 19 years!
You can buy XP. You can't buy experience.
"...From The 'Scape" is very nearly here.
19-Nov-2018 02:15:30