Username/Display name: Hitmanx24
How long have you been making signatures: About a year and a half
What made you want to make signatures: 9x9 when his shop was still up
Who do you consider the best signature artist of all time? 9x9 (since ive never seen any of this "jedi" guys work)
Who do you think is the best signature artist of today? prince
Who is the most "signature community" focused artist? cy toast(well was)
How many signature companies have you worked at or still are working at? 1 cant beat toasted sigs right? I've been there since the begging
Favorite flavor of pie: pumpkin
Waffles or Pancakes? pancakes
Pie or Cake? cake
Potato or Pototo? potato
Is this a good idea for an application? sure
If not, tell me why not:
If so, then thanks no problem
If you pour a glass half way, is it a half a glass full, or half a glass empty? why would I pour a glass half full?
Do you enjoy this application of randomness? sure
Should I start to allow stuff for logo artists in this thread as well? (yes I will change the title if I get a lot of people to say yes) yes
Your idea of a vacation: Doing what ever i want
Your idea of fun: Playing basketball with Kevin durant
Do you know how many signatures you have made? too many to rember
If so, how many?
Was this uber long? nah
GOOD ;D!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
V gasp ive havent seen you forever. Hi!
29-Jul-2010 20:33:48
- Last edited on
29-Jul-2010 20:40:25
.....¸‹•º`¨´º•¸ ....'..If 9x9' is the Eminem of' signatures'....... ¸•º`¨´º•›¸.....
¸„›º.........¸,›' . 'Then surely I am the Jay-Z' of Signatures! '‹,¸.........º‹„¸
.....¸•ºˆ¨¯......¸‹•º`¨´º•¸¨ˆ°º*•-•*ˆ¨ˆ*;› .’..’. ‹;*ˆ¨ˆ*•-•*º°ˆ¨¸•º`¨´º•›¸.'.....¯¨ˆº•¸.....
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