check out the new thread i made. its jedi's. was wondering if i should add some other peoples gallerys that were locked like my favorites of theirs or something but sam has a thread kinda like that already a hall of fame thing
let me know suggestions bottom line is jedis gallery should still be alive
¸•º´ˆ* ¸•*`˜*•¸ ¸•º......¸•³ ,...
While it is great to be an admirer of the arts, however. the reality is that the OP is no longer maintaining this thread and it has been gravebumped after about
ten years of inactivity
. As a result, this thread has now been closed.
Please do not bump inactive threads that are on their way to Chewy, the page 51 monster. There are many discussions to partake within the forums. The OP, however, may request this to be locked on Forum Help, should they still wish to maintain it.