User name/Display name: Nite B4 Dawn
How long have you been making signatures: 5-6 Months? Idk
Rate yourself on a scale of 1-10: 7.123456
What's the difference between a signature, and a logo: Besides spellling
A signature can only have a maximum of 4 lines.
Did you read the rules: I like lamp.
Dude or Dudett: (Male or Female, you noob
): Female
Notes: Uhmm... Cookies?
Post three signatures just to show that you're a legit signature artist:
User name/Display name: Moooo Melons
How long have you been making signatures: started on May 16th 2010 (Almost a month)
Rate yourself on a scale of 1-10: 7.777777772.
What's the difference between a signature, and a logo: A siggy is 4 lines or less.
Did you read the rules: Lets see... Umm.. Random.. think RANDOM...
Do you like waffles?
Dude or Dudett: (Male or Female, you noob
): Dude :j
Notes: I work at Long's Signitures and Jai's Signitures.
Post three signatures just to show that you're a legit signature artist: