Artist Application:
User name/Display name: nop200
How long have you been making signatures: few months
Rate yourself on a scale of 1-10: 7
What's the difference between a signature, and a logo: a logo is longer than 4 lines
Did you read the rules: errrrrrgishnurga ALPACAS!!!!! Hippopotamus Dobby
Dude or Dudett: (Male or Female, you noob ): Male
Notes: I used to suck now im kinda good
Post three signatures just to show that you're a legit signature artist:
User name/Display name: nop200
How long have you been making signatures: few months
Rate yourself on a scale of 1-10: 7
What's the difference between a signature, and a logo: a logo is longer than 4 lines
Did you read the rules: errrrrrgishnurga ALPACAS!!!!! Hippopotamus Dobby
Dude or Dudett: (Male or Female, you noob ): Male
Notes: I used to suck now im kinda good
Post three signatures just to show that you're a legit signature artist:
OSRS Newb Help Initiative
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23-May-2010 02:57:51