Reminds me of the torture that 99 Div was in order to get max cape. I also thought I was doomed when Jagex came up with that *insert any profane word you like* skill.
And now comes full Livid Farm for comp
*brain explodes*
Lounge Relaxing Jukebox:
Erik Satie - Gnossienne No.1
Leveling +110 all skills and completing stuff here and there
Thank you Pippyspot, but unfortunately I won't be getting any more 99s for quite awhile.
Looked at my schedule, and Monday, Wednesday, and Friday I'll pretty much be at school all day until night time.
Igerna, whats on your head?
Flaming head, one of the rare items from the Rare Token Store. Got 7k today thanks to Vic and couldn't resist
I think it looks cool with my actual outfit #Fashionscape
*walks like a zamorakian supermodel at the Morytania's fashion week*
*werewolf judges howling while zombie public drools*
Leveling +110 all skills and completing stuff here and there