3? also, the lie is 1. ever since i saw my "biggest fear", i only had one nightmare and it didnt even involve said fear
1: i want to make a lets play channel, but procrastination always gets the better of me
2: i play more M rated games than E or T
3: i murder all my sims in the sims games
2. as i think you probably do work in tax and play runescape while your at work
1. I am one of five children, (2 sets of twins and a single child)
2. I co-own a clan with my boyfriend
3. My clan consists of me, all of my siblings and my boyfriend.
1. I once met and had lunch with Chuck Norris at a Chinese restaurant.
2. I once woke up in the middle of the night and found a cow standing in my bedroom.
3. I once cancelled a date with my girlfriend so I could hang out with friends and play computer games.
Whether you believe you can do it, or you believe you can't.... you're right.