I admit, I worded my first post pretty badly. I actually agree with you, it just doesn't sound like it.
And how does it not matter? Just because that's the highest you've hit doesn't mean it's ur max. Plus, i wasn't basing my information in real-world evidence. I haven't done strength training with either one, I train controlled with a whip. I was basing my evidence on math. At lvl 1 str, with nothing equipped but the weapon or wep/ def, the ss will hit 15% higher, because the ony thing affecting your hit is the weapon's strength bonus. At 99 str, with max str boosting gear, turmoil, and extreme str, max with a d scim is approx 505. With ss? 545. Guess what 40/505 is? Yep, approx 9%. Where's the flaw in that logic?
Was arguing with a noob about ss vs d scim.
31-Jul-2010 07:07:15