In my last post as a Nomad, I would just like to say that the Geneva Convention was in the old world. it does not currently exist. You can create a new one, but noome HAS to sign it.
Today all of the people of the Nomads of Djinn gathered on marthas vineyard. they were astonished to find 1000 huge ancient egyptian style barges waiting. on them, the people of djinnaken, who fled to live in rogue areas and other countries.
The astonishing 5 million people (not everyone was there) joined the 21,000 Nomads. Ramses and the council gave the word and the vault to the Boston Files was open.
A giant crane then lifted up all 1000 marble cases of the boston files up, all boxes about 10 schoolbuses wide, 7 long, and 2 1/2 high.
with about 3.5k people carrying, and about 1.5k gaurding, all the boxes were loaded on the barges. The barges will sail along the shore all around the world, picking up people who want to settle in djinnaken, then they will arrive in Massachusetts Bay, where they will meet the person who will lead djinnaken. He/She/It will lift the permanent FOG and everyone will pour into the city, (eventually everyone will go back to their home, the djinnaken controlled lands (see land list). In a weeks after that we will re-contact all our space territories and have all our technology running.
10-Dec-2008 22:04:32