While I was gone, a massive civil war has broken out in Zarpholagus. It seems that a human population (about two thirds of Zarpholagus's population) has been gathering for years. They've used cloning, organic birth, and the usual repopulation methods and have been living underneath Ecuador for several years now. Today they rose up and hijacked our entire navy (it was a well planned assualt) and successully bombed Zarpholagus-001. The planet was destroyed and all of our plant and fire control technology was lost completely. Zarpholagus, now known as Imperia, is back in human control. ((I only did this in an attempt to cooperate and not be overpowered))
Also, in the spirit of no longer being plants, we will need new defences. Some new projects we've been working on are:
Naval Fleet 6 - 64%
Project Leader - Andre ***quez (The majority of our population is American or English)
Funds Alloted - 12,000,000 Imperial Coins
Date Completed - December 11
Air Force Fleet 1 - 42%
Project Leader - Commander Gerald Brown
Funds Alloted - 14,000,000 Imperial Coins
Date Completed - December 12
Imperia has basically all the technology of Zarpholagus, except the whole plant and fire thing. Basic weapons are laser machine guns, laser missiles, and C6 RDBs.
In other news, Djinnaken is returning! Good thing Djinnaken DOESN'T hate Imperia.
10-Dec-2008 20:05:13