Cannon smiles into his drink. It was good to know he wasn't known to the guards at the very least, but to hear that the prototype cannon storage was unguarded...
'It's a trap, obviously', he thought to himself, 'but nonetheless, its a trap that no-one has necessarily set up themselves. Just a series of circumstances leading to an inevitable confrontation with whoever's after me. Analysing...'
Cannon appears to stop motionless for a while, before snapping back to normal, shaking his head a little. His mind is decided. He's going to take advantage of the opportunity to get a close-up look at the old prototypes while he can, anyone or anything that tries to ambush him will have to hope it's strong enough, because he'll be keeping an eye out for any possible presence.
Cannon pays for his drinks, and heads out.
12-Jun-2017 22:57:02