
Prestigious Signature School 1

Quick find code: 55-56-190-62227830



Posts: 1,738 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
`‘·¸...............`¸‹´.......¸‹•*°2-Liner°*•›¸.......`›¸´...............¸· '´
......*.,¸_¸,. -¨..’,.¸¸„‹ˆ............................ˆ›„¸¸,.’..¨ - .,¸_¸,.*......

^ if this isnt it then I dont know how to fix it lol.

`›.,¸_¸,. - *'´`'*·¸ Sill4 ¸·*’´`’* - .,¸_¸,.‹´

,¸¸,.‹•°ˆ,¸,.‹•°ˆ°•›.,¸,ˆ°•›.,¸¸, |+ ¡$ ‡¡/¥\€ l={}® /Y\€ +() (V){}\/€ ()/\/ (_)Þ! ,¸¸,.‹•°ˆ,¸,.‹•°ˆ°•›.,¸,ˆ°•›.,¸¸,

¸·*'´¨`'* ·› ., ¸¸ ,. ‹·*´¸¸„. ‹· *'´¨¯¨`'* ·› .„¸Center me!!!¸„. ‹· *'´¨¯¨`'* ·› .„¸¸`*·› ., ¸¸ ,. ‹· *'´¨`'*·¸
¸·*'´¨`'* ·› ., ¸¸ ,. ‹·*´¸¸„. ‹ ·*'´¨¯¨`ˆ"* ·› .,¸..`'·¸.......¸·'´..¸,. ‹· *"ˆ´¨¯¨`'* ·› .„¸¸`*·› ., ¸¸ ,. ‹· *'´¨`'*·¸

`*·› ., ¸¸ ,. ‹· *'´¨`'*·¸`*·› ., ¸¸ ,. ‹· *'´¨`'*·¸·*'´¨`'* ·› ., ¸¸ ,. ‹·*´¸·*'´¨`'* ·› ., ¸¸ ,. ‹·*´
…………………·*'´¨¯¨`ˆ"* ·› .,¸..`'·¸.......¸·'´..¸,. ‹· *"ˆ´¨¯¨`'*·………………….
……………¸¸„. ‹· *'´¨¯¨`'* ·› .„¸Center me!!!¸„. ‹· *'´¨¯¨`'* ·› .„¸……………...

…..•*°*•›„¸•*°*•›„¸…“¸...(text here)...¸“…¸„‹•*°*•¸„‹•*°*•….
…`*•›„¸¸`¸*•›„¸¸`*•›„¸¸(more text here)¸¸„‹•*´¸¸„‹•*¸´¸¸„‹•*´..

...¸„‹•*°*•›„¸•*°*•›„¸...“¸...(text here)....¸“...¸„‹•*°*•¸„‹•*°*•›„¸
…`*•›„¸¸`¸*•›„¸¸`*•›„¸¸(more text here)¸¸„‹•*´¸¸„‹•*¸´¸¸„‹•*´

¸„‹•*°*•›„¸•*°*•›„¸...“¸...(text here)....¸“...¸„‹•*°*•¸„‹•*°*•›„¸
`*•›„¸¸`¸*•›„¸¸`*•›„¸¸(more text here)¸¸„‹•*´¸¸„‹•*¸´¸¸„‹•*´

¸„‹•*°*•›„¸•*°*•›„¸...“¸...(text here)....¸“...¸„‹•*°*•¸„‹•*°*•›„¸
`*•›„¸¸`¸*•›„¸¸`*•›„¸¸(more text here)¸¸„‹•*´¸¸„‹•*¸´¸¸„‹•*´

29-Apr-2011 15:31:48 - Last edited on 18-May-2011 19:47:52 by LightBritez

Nop Rs

Nop Rs

Posts: 14,357 Opal Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Silla, you still need to fix your last assignment, look closely! :)

Ok yea that's better. I think you're ready for sophmore, please complete this assignment adequately to be promoted.

Please make a one liner with the following text in messy: It is time for me to move on up!

Please mirror this signature:

`›.,¸_¸,. - *'´`'*·¸ Sill4

Very good, just a few flow errors.


There should be a ‹/› in between the . and •

Also ‘ is the same height as °. So I would use ˆ instead of ‘

Congradulations! You are now in the second year of the PSS!

For your first 2nd year assignment please allign this signature

`*·› ., ¸¸ ,. ‹· *'´¨`'*·¸`*·› ., ¸¸ ,. ‹· *'´¨`'*·¸·*'´¨`'* ·› ., ¸¸ ,. ‹·*´¸·*'´¨`'* ·› ., ¸¸ ,. ‹·*´
·*'´¨¯¨`ˆ"* ·› .,¸..`'·¸.......¸·'´..¸,. ‹· *"ˆ´¨¯¨`'*·
¸¸„. ‹· *'´¨¯¨`'* ·› .„¸Center me!!!¸„. ‹· *'´¨¯¨`'* ·› .„¸

Although that does look nice, you weren't supposed to change the design. Just add periods to allign it.

Okay, good, now tweak this border :)

¸‹•*°*•›„¸¸„‹•*°*•›„¸¸„‹•ˆ(text here)ˆ•›„¸¸„‹•*°*•›„¸¸„‹•*°*•›¸
¸‹•*°*•›„¸¸„‹•*°*•›„¸¸(more text here)¸¸„‹•*°*•›„¸¸„‹•*°*•›¸

BTW going away this weekend, sorry :( , I'll be back Sunday.

> Good, but .`›„¸„‹•*´`›„¸„‹•*´…..`*•›„¸„‹•*´……*•›„¸„‹´*•›„¸„‹´ not enough low symbols. And delete all those excess periods. ;) Please fix.

>> By excess periods I didn't mean all the ones on the left. I meant all from left AND right that aren't necessary to align the signature.

>>> you have to have the periods on the right, so it's mirrored :)

>>>> Ok, good. For your next assignment please make a 4-lined advanced border. Use your tweaking, and centering skills!


Arc, not exactly, but its kinda flexible atm.

V Are you sure? We haven't even covered all the topics...
OSRS Newb Help Initiative ',
¸.‹ *³ˆ;'°*• .„¸¸¸,.'
ˆ.,¸¸„:‹ "¨,¸¸,.‹´

29-Apr-2011 19:22:42 - Last edited on 19-May-2011 11:01:24 by Nop Rs

Apr Member 2022


Posts: 1,249 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Bump! ^_^


^ Oh ok, I guess we'll do that first. :) I'd rather be prepared and do the test later, than to do it now and not now how to do it properly.

13-May-2011 19:50:57 - Last edited on 27-May-2011 18:33:45 by LunarArc

The contents of this message have been hidden.

14-May-2011 17:13:08



Posts: 674 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile

may join next week when school lets out

(c)‹;¸….…¸‹·“¨¯¨`;›.¸/¥\ásš. Hëãlèr¸.‹;´¨¯¨”·›¸….…¸;›(c)
'....…`›.¸¸.‹'·.¸¸.·ˆ¯Lïéû†èñãn† øƒ †h믈·.¸¸.·'›.¸¸.‹´…....'
'....¸¸.‹·ª´ `ª·›.¸¸.·´¯`'ª›¸ÊðF­­(¥)ìlí†årÿ¸‹ª'´¯`·.¸¸.‹·ª´ `ª·›.¸¸....'
'…………...‹´¸¸„.·*“ˆ´ `ˆ”º·›.„¸¸„.‹·º“ˆ´ `ˆ”*·.„¸¸`›...…………'

­­ ­­ ­ ­­ ­ ­­'·‹¸ ­­ ­­ ­ ­ ­­­ ­ ­ ­ ­¸‹·“¨¯¨`;›.¸/¥\ásš Hëãlèr¸.‹;´¨¯¨”·›¸ ­­ ­­ ­ ­ ­­­ ­ ­ ­ ­¸›·'
­­ ­ ­ ­ ­­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­­­­`›.¸¸.‹'·.¸¸.·ˆ¯Lïéû†èñãn† øƒ †h믈·.¸¸.·'›.¸¸.‹´
­ ­­ ­ ­ ­ ­¸¸.‹·ª´ `ª·›.¸¸.·´¯`'ª›¸ÊðF­­(¥)ìlí†årÿ¸‹ª'´¯`·.¸¸.‹·ª´ `ª·›.¸¸
­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ­ ‹´¸¸„.·*“ˆ´ `ˆ”º·›.„¸,¸„.‹·º“ˆ´ `ˆ”*·.„¸¸`›

these are my main sigs

26-May-2011 00:16:56 - Last edited on 26-May-2011 00:24:22 by Mass-assins



Posts: 674 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
good to hear, im just starting to get into signatures and here is my 2nd sig that ive ever made.

,º­ ­ ¸•**•.„¸¸„.‹·ªˆ¨°·¸….Ñéédš Ä Wïšh'.…¸·°¨ˆª·›.„¸¸„.•**•¸­ ­ º,
º,­ ­ ­º·. ­ ­ ­ ¸••¸….wuv`·¸…Rïgh†­­ ­ ­ Ñöw…¸·´yoo.…¸••¸ ­ ­ ­ .·º­ ­ ­,º
...º‹„¸¸¸,;›´¸¸.‹·ª˜¨¯`·¸ `·.„¸¸¸„.‹´\/`›.„¸¸¸„.·´ ¸·´¯¨˜ª·›.¸¸`‹;,¸¸¸„›º...

28-May-2011 05:22:39 - Last edited on 28-May-2011 05:28:09 by Mass-assins

Apr Member 2022


Posts: 1,249 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I'm not dead ;) My gallery is getting pretty good business these days :P

^^ Noted ;)

v Accepted, for your first assignment, make a wave. Refer to page 2 for help. :)

28-May-2011 17:31:41 - Last edited on 15-Jun-2011 13:16:26 by LunarArc

King Ras

King Ras

Posts: 894 Gold Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Student Application

Username/Nickname: Geoff Fail / Geoff
Gender: Male
Do you have any experience? If so how much? None.
Any reason why you want to make signatures? I feel left out, lots of people have one, whereas I don't even have an avatar.
What browser are you using? Firefox.
Are · and . the same length for you? Yes.
Have you read the rules? Of course.
Extra notes: Don't call me Geoffrey.

04-Jun-2011 11:03:37

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