A broadcast is sent out to all major news stations in all player nations.
It shows a masked man sitting in a dark room. A single light bulb flickers in the background.He speaks in a hushed voice.
Good evening ladies and gentlemen. You may know me as Mark. A. Bell, and I’m sure many of you have heard about many of my exploits from the killing of the 7800 to the mercury disaster. Anyway, that’s all in the past now. It’s the present that matters. Well, rather the near future.
In 5 minutes, bombs will go off in all the capitals of the various nations I’ve sent this message to. There is nothing you can do to stop this attack. Don’t worry, it will only kill a few dozen and cause a few million worth of damage in each city.
Now, I don’t have a cause, I’m no zealot or extremist. All I care about is money. So, that’s my fee. To leave your nation alone, pay me 2 trillion and I will not detonate any more bombs. Continuing to resist will result in larger and larger bombs. I even have a few proton bombs for those who are less easily persuaded.
Cheerio, have a nice day. Announce that you’re willing to pay me soon. Or else.
Signing off, Mark.A.Bell
After the bomb in Trotsky went off, The government of Glockania has begun operations to track down M.A.Bell. We advise other nations to do the same.
03-Nov-2011 01:16:24
- Last edited on
03-Nov-2011 01:17:37
Rache Glock