Ronny did not feel it necessary to describe how the murder would then affect the rest of his family, or what emotional scars it would leave on those around him, because these things were simply not relevant. Besides, realising it would probably strike a note in his conscience and he would find that, even in a story, he did something really terrible. Now, with his first story finished, he had to get readers. But who should, or would, want to read this? He couldn’t show this to Edward (if he wouldn’t strangle him on the spot, at the very least he might show him his first story, which no doubt would be ten times better) or his mother or father. Reldo might be interested but like his parents, he might end up telling Edward about it, which would still be disastrous. Maybe he should hide the story so no one would ever find it. It was a sound plan. He would put it in a safe place, keep it a secret and hope that along with the story, his crime, and the cold-blooded murder of his brother, would be locked away and forgotten.
But that must happen first thing, tomorrow morning. He took out his diary and started noting the events of the day. He tried, whenever possible, to write down his activities only, totally excluding Edward’s participation, because this diary was his, not Edward’s or anybody else’s for that matter. This wasn’t always possible and it was despairing to flick through it now, reading different entries from the last two years – which was when he started writing this – and finding that most pages had the name Edward on it at least once, or if not, synonyms such as Bro or Big-head.
19-Aug-2010 16:11:06
- Last edited on
22-Sep-2013 18:00:35