Ronny went through his entire routine of the day. For a moment he thought he’d done everything that was required of him. It was a shock, therefore, when his hands moved and the bed sheet tickled his palms that he found himself inexplicably still in bed and had accomplished nothing. He really ought to get up now. Reldo would not be pleased if he failed to show up but even so, he knew the librarian would never shout at him. Reldo was simply too kind to be cruel. In many ways, Reldo was more of a father figure to Ronny. Entrusted by the King to read to his two sons every morning, Reldo watched over the two of them, day after day, as if they were his own. Whatever respect his title, a prince, compelled, Ronny didn't feel it. In fact, he never felt like he was a prince. His name, originally, was the same as his father’s, a horrible name, but his clever brother Edward came up with ‘Ronny’ one evening which by far sounded more pleasant to the four-year-old, at least at the time, so Ronny welcomed the name change. He regretted that a little because it was clearly an invasion from Edward, meddling with his private affairs. Even if he did say something in protest then, no one would have listened. Everybody called him Ronny now to avoid confusion, so as to stop the squires, and particularly Queen Tanya, from summoning both the King and him at once.
His father, King Roald Remanis the Second, has ruled the kingdom of Misthalin for thirty years. He told Ronny on a few occasions that years ago, when he was still young and handsome – like Edward – he took down a fully grown troll in a duel with a bit of cunning and his strong affinity with swords. And like Edward, who in every way reminded the King of his younger days, he too in his prime enjoyed horse riding and archery, both to Ronny were more of an affliction than favourite pastimes.
19-Aug-2010 16:03:20
- Last edited on
22-Sep-2013 17:49:07