By popular demand, one more Runescape Stories showpiece can be crossed off my 'to read' list.
I must say, English, well done: stylistically interesting, significant, well executed. I'm glad the story ended as it did (as terrible as I suppose that is to say) but it wouldn't have been nearly as powerful had the choices you made as a writer been more forgiving or happily-ending. That being said, it's good to see some works around here with some actual gravity, and it's good to see those works put forth by skilled writers.
Good variation among sentence style and mood; I particularly liked the beginning of chapter four: lighthearted, but not outside the 'spectrum' of the story.
Technically (because I know that's what everyone on this forum loves the most) it was really quite good. As I haven't gone into excruciating detail with the other factors, I won't here, but I'll leave a few tips. First of all, don't shy away from dashes, colons, semicolons and parenthetical asides. In many cases, you replaced these with commas which
—while not glaringly incorrect* somewhat muffled the 'punch' of the passages involved.
Also, particularly at the start of the story, there were so many 'him's and 'he's that it became a bit confusing as to who you you were referring. Did Ronny think he himself was the special one? Was it Edward doing the thinking, or was it Ronny thinking so of Edward?
26-Aug-2010 07:20:20