Oh Dream I think its time for me to post my in depth thoughts of this. Of course I don't think their is most left to say but if their is, I shall say it.
Now your prolouge is in my opinion nice, because you have it so different then the regular ones. Though I do not quite understand its meaning.
Now I must say the first Chapter "Abroad" is quite short, but to the point. The second chapter I must say is spectactular, its chalked full of deatail. With the Third Chapter is repitive, same compliments as before. Only thing I have to say is that you say that "by the grace and foresightedness of our outer guards that he was not shot as he" Which intrigues me because dwarves (or as far as i've seen) don't carry bows and I wouldn't know what they could shoot with. A bit odd they cut out the poor Dwarf's skin. A tad gross if you ask me. Now I do just love how you put the time to get places in porportion, such as 20 minutes to get from the Inn to The Wizard's Guild, in Chapt. 4.
Well thats all for now. Oh yes your avatar remind of Rick the Butler.
24-Oct-2009 17:49:24