She broke away from her reverie as the maple logs in the fire spat sparks towards the closest tent and jumped up to extinguish them, then immediately dropped to the ground again. A bush bordering the camp had rustled slightly. The wind would not have moved it so, and it was very unusual to find a large animal this close to the camp. That prankster, Siliannon, must be watching her again.
He admired her, she knew it. Everybody knew it. But he insisted on making a fool of himself, spying on her as if she wouldn’t realize he was there. He had the sneaking ability of a moose in rut and the subtlety to match. But he was sweet underneath it all, even though she would never admit as much to him. And she would absolutely not give him the pleasure of watching her work the fires. She hunkered down on the ground, out of view of the bush and waited, listening intently.
Suddenly there was a terrifying, blood-curdling scream. She leapt to her feet and her trusty bow was drawn with notched arrow before she even comprehended that she’d done so.
At that moment, something caught the corner of her eye. A sinister shadow in pallid grey robes streaked through the air to her left, before melting into the woodland behind her. Wheeling, she let her arrow fly with a snap. The shot almost pinned the phantom figure’s billowing cloak to a tree, but it was too fast. The shaft of her arrow quivered, impaled deep within a willow’s trunk.
14-Nov-2006 09:05:27
- Last edited on
14-Nov-2006 09:14:28