I finished it at last. Excellent work Dream, most excellent, I am very proud for having read this.
I look forward to your next story, as I'm sure the temptation of creating your 'soul tale' is beginning to strike.
For those of you who don't know what a 'soul tale' is, I will explain.
It is the one story, the one character, the one path you have deep inside of you, that you can always fall back on, always type and feel as if it truly is your best.
Mine will be the Tales of the EDOSTAR, beginning with First Blood.
Yours Dream?
'|~|'Taurus Drake Versant, Seventh Reincarnation of the Emerald of Fire'|~|'
<\^/>First-born of the EDOSTAR, Lord of the Draken<\^/>
05-Dec-2006 08:32:46