Spelling> 8/20> Well, this is your worst mark. Your spelling was, in all honesty, rubbish. As I’ve said in all my other reviews, a proof read will solve everything. Try to keep that in mind. Too improve your spelling try using MS word’s spell check. It’s the most accurate source, more accurate than any-one on this forum could ever be. You actually miss spelt ‘Keppon’ a few times, changing it to ‘Keppen’. This is bad; you must know your own characters.
Grammar> 13/20> Well, quite a few basic grammar mistakes here. Including the most common on this forum, the ‘punctuation after speech’ thing. Here is a list so it’s all clear and dandy:
“Hello!” He said> Correct, as I used an exclamation mark after the speech I need a capital letter afterwards.
“Hello,” He said> Incorrect, as I used a comma I don’t need a capital letter after the speech.
“Hello” H/he said> Incorrect, you ALWAYS need some sort of punctuation after speech.
“Hello.” He said> Correct, as I used a full stop I need a capital letter afterwards.
And you get the idea… Another thing, I cannot stress how important ‘starting a new line with speech’ is. In all fairness, towards the end of the story you picked up on this, thus gaining you three extra marks here. Another thing, a few times you used brackets as a way of explaining things, this is a big no no. Try to describe it instead. Also avoid using lists in your story; you used a list to describe the thoughts of a character, try to think of a different way to do this, maybe she could mumble it under her breath? Or tell a companion about her thoughts?
11-Sep-2006 17:29:06