I made a little game out of it, like I always do. How fast could I bank? There were a few other runecrafters there, with no where near as many pouches to fill. I made it my mission to beat them at banking! To my surprise, I was actually able to! I had a few misclicks here and there, but overall, I could bank pretty fast!
After an hour or so, Magical Zing left. I was all alone! I was still having quite a bit of fun though. I really liked watching the amount of Astral Runes slowly increase. After hours, I had finally crafted 10,200 Astral Runes! I headed off to the Grand Exchange and sold them instantly for 2m! 8m cash pile now!
Now it was time to sort out the Wicked Hood. I had seen players crafting Astral Runes with Pure Essence they had recieved from the hood, but every time I tried, all I got was Rune Essence! After some thorough investigating, I found out that I needed to use an Omni-Talisman on the hood. I withdrew my GoP Tokens and headed over to the Runecrafting Guild. There, I looked about the Rewards Shop. I didn't see anything there... I asked Mining Golds, and apparently, I needed to show the wizard all of the other talismans. I teleported to Draynor and withdrew all my talismans.
I didn't own a Death or Blood Talisman, but I figured that I could probably buy them from the Rewards Shop. Well, as it turns out, you can't. I Home Teleported to Lunar Isle and then teleported to the Grand Exchange, where I bought the two talismans. I returned to the guild, and presented my talismans! In exchange, she gave me an Omni-Talisman! Finally! I fed it into my Hood, and hovered over to "Essence" option. It still said Rune Essence!
I asked Mining Golds, and apparently, I needed to use an Omni-Talisman on it... So I returned to the Grand Exchange, yet again, and bought a Tiara. I didn't have another Omni-Talisman to sue on the Tiara though, so I brought along all my Talismans.
06-Mar-2012 05:25:23