
The Couple of Opposites

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It was the fourth age, and news of a deadly sorceror was on the minds of the Asgarnian settlers. This sorceror was no ordinary mage. He was powerful in the art of necromancy. With such powers, he could devastate an entire village. This frightened all of the Asgarnians, who have just settled in what would be later called Falador. All but one was afriad: A warrior with excellent skill in both melee and throwing: a man named Jonorik Kran.

His ancestors were Saradominist veterans of the God Wars who have survived the perils of those wars against Zamorak many times. It was a long family line of fighters who experienced battles so horrifying, such fighting was seldom talked about to other people. They wished to forget those times of death and destruction. Who could blame the Kran family for trying to forget such times? With the loss of so many loved ones both within and outside of the family, it caused much grief for the Krans. People at the time of Jonorik saw the Kran family as a glorious line of heroes, but the family itself considered the relatives within during the wars victims of unspeakable terrors, instead of heroes.

What about Jonorik himself, you ask? Well, he agreed with his relatives that they were not heroes. The one thing that was different about him was that instead of sadness about the loss of relatives during the wars, he had a rage inside himself against Zamorak for his bloodthirsty deeds against his family, and a lust for revenge. This worried his parents, because they knew just how powerful Zamorak is compared to mortals. The necromancer's arrival was just the opportunity Jonorik was waiting for: to get even with Zamorak for the many losses afflicted on his family. Even Saradomin himself was worried. He never did appreciate revenge, because it goes against all wisdom. So, he consulted Guthix, even though he did not like him.

"What should we do about this, brother?" asked Saradomin.

This was Guthix's answer: "Thy disciple must go this alone."

31-May-2010 17:00:15 - Last edited on 01-Jun-2010 17:21:56 by [#07ATURE4Z]



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Saradomin's eyes widened in fright to that, so he asked, "Why?"

Guthix answered, "He must go it alone because he cannot be stirred frometh his bloodlust. He may surviveth, yet he will be a changed man."

At this, Saradomin said, "Isn't there anyone that will help him?"

Guthix said, "Only one: a fighter from the forces of Zamorak himself; a woman, at that. Only she can aid him in turning from his destructive ways."

Hesitantly, due to his hate of Zamorak, Saradomin agreed.

Meanwhile, Jonorik was preparing his bow, arrows, shield and sword for his confrontation against the necromancer. His mother tried to sway him from the fight, but no success came of it. Tearfully, she and her husband watched as their youngest son set off toward the scarred wilderness without a word.

The journey was harsh, yet it was nothing Jonorik could not handle. Like his ancestors before him, he was mightier than a battalion of orks. Yet, as he came nearer to his destination, a shadow came quickly towards him, slashing at him swiftly without even coming close to being cut by Jonorik's sword. The cuts on him were minor, though, due to his excellent dodging skills. Therefore, he managed to evade the critical attacks long enough to let his shield halt the attacker.

At last, he could see clearly who attacked him: the dagger mistress Rachilim Traz. She was the deadliest Zamorakian woman in the wilderness at the time. On her own, she could fell 10 sorcerors without need for a bow and archer's armour.

Seeing she has been beaten, Rachilim smiled and said, "Well, looks like you are the first to beat me. It was fair in square. Do what you like to me. I won't stop you."

Furiously, Jonorik shouted, "How do I know this is not a trick!?"

Her reply was this answer: "It would be pointless anyway, since I couldn't cut deep enough to even maim you. I know you'd love to kill me right now. Do it."

Jonorik could not do it. She was unarmed from the violent collision with his shield. It was not fair.

31-May-2010 17:00:37 - Last edited on 18-Jan-2011 23:51:14 by [#07ATURE4Z]



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As Rachilim urged him to kill her, Jonorik was tearfully trying to decide whether he should. By the time he made his decision, he was about to sob. His decision was made clear with a violent stab at the ground. Jonorik spared Rachilim's life.

Confused and humiliated at the same time, Rachilim shouted while on the ground, "You fool! You bested me so easily! It was clear I was weak compared to you, and I should have paid the price for it! Weakness is not to be tolerated! Why did you not complete your task!?"

With tears all over his face, Jonorik replied, "Because... I am not a cold-blooded murderer! It's not fair to kill a defenseless woman! It just isn't! It's bad enough for a family to lose many loved ones in such horrid wars as the God Wars, but kiling defenseless people!? That's disgracing all the sacrifice placed by my ancestors!"

At that answer, Rachilim was shocked. She had never seen a Saradominist until that moment. And yet, she knew the beleifs of one. What shocked her even more was the part where Jonorik said that his family lost much in their fighting in the God Wars. She heard tales of the Kran family from a victim of her's here and there, but never has she thought she would see a member of that family in person. She could relate to Jonorik on that. Her own family, while fighting for Zamorak, has lost many loved ones during the God Wars.

At the thought of losses, Rachilim started to cry along with Jonorik, embracing him in the process as best as she could, due to her injury in the legs.

When Jonorik felt Rachilim's hands, he tearfully said, "I never thought a Zamorakian had feelings, too!"

Her response was this: "My family lost much while fighting the wars, too! Friends, relatives, even crushes!"

Upon answering with that phrase, Rachilim wept even louder.

When they were finished crying, the two fighters started a fire and cooked some fish Jonorik brought, talking about what their families experienced during the God Wars, and felt better.

31-May-2010 17:00:47 - Last edited on 01-Jun-2010 17:29:37 by [#07ATURE4Z]



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That night, they slept next to the fire, each on the other side of it, feeling secure with each other. In the morning, when the two fighters woke up, a sound could be heard from their location. It was the sound of running feet and the clanking of bones. That meant undead skeletons, plus they were coming closer. Jonorik knew that with her injury, Rachilim would not be able to fight at all. Therefore, he readied his weapons for battle. By the time he was ready, he could see the skeletons in front of him.

One of them spoke with this demand: "Turn and leave! You are not welcome here, Saradominist filth!"

Rachilim responded angrily, "Do you know who you're dealing with, skull brains!? He's one of the Krans! He can go wherever he wishes! You don't stand a chance!"

Worried, Jonorik said to her, "Please, don't provoke them! The last thing we need is an angry army of undead folk! You are hurt badly enough! I can't stand any more harm coming to you!"

"Too late!" shouted the skeletons all together. "We are already provoked! Now, both of you will die!"

As they shouted that, the skeletons charged at Jonorik, since he was able to fight.

Jonorik resisted as best he could, but he was losing in the process. He was too outnumbered. Seeing the odds, Rachilim grabbed her two daggers and threw them at the skeletons giving orders to the others. With those two skeletons slain, the others were in disarray. This gave Jonorik just what he needed to drive the surviving skeletons away.

"We'll be back, and next time, you will not survive!" shouted one of them as they all retreated.

Seeing that he was badly injured, Rachilim gave Jonorik a potion and said, "Here! Take this! I've been saving it for when it was needed. Go ahead! I have another for myself!"

When they drank the potion, the two fighters regained their fitness. All that day, they searched for a safe place to hide. That place was a cave that seemed abondoned.

31-May-2010 17:00:57 - Last edited on 16-Jun-2010 14:36:44 by [#07ATURE4Z]



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Once inside the cave, Jonorik and Rachilim saw that the cave wasn't as abandoned as they thought. Druids were there. In total, there were 5 of them. One was guarding an entrance to what they called the Fist of Guthix, while the others were tending to their supplies and equipment.

"These druids are here to guard a place of great power until it is time to let adventurers inside," Rachilim said. "I would have killed these druids a few years ago, but there are two problems: One, these druids are a lot tougher than the others, and two, even if I succeed, I'd be dead to Guthix's rage. Never get on a god's bad side, I always say."

"I am more concerned about honour, dignity, and wisdom," replied Jonorik. "Regardless, we'll be safe here while we plan a way to destroy that lowly necromancer before he destroys Asgarnia! There has to be payback for the losses taken during the God Wars!"

At that, Rachilim exclaimed, wide-eyed, "You don't mean Kenari the Merciless, do you!?"

Jonorik answered, "The very same!"

At that, Rachilim shouted, "You don't get it, do you!? He is the deadliest sorceror in the wilderness! Those skeletons we saw earlier were doing his bidding! No one goes face to face with that man and lives to tell the tale!"

"If that were the case, how come prisoners of his escaped his grasp and told the news of his journey towards Asgarnia to my people?" asked Jonorik.

Rachilim answered, "Even if they escaped, it would have been because he let them! You call yourself a Saradominist!? I don't think revenge has anything to do with Saradomin's teachings! besides, revenge causes more trouble than anyone can handle! Trust me! I know! I've been there!"

Jonorik was shocked. For the first time, hate and revenge left him. It was all replaced with uncertainty.

Rachilim took advantage of the silence and said, "If you are going to go fight him, it has to be for something bigger."

Jonorik nodded plus replied, "To protect Asgarnia."

Winking, Rachilim remarked, "Ok, handsome!"

31-May-2010 17:01:07 - Last edited on 01-Jun-2010 18:02:57 by [#07ATURE4Z]



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This was the plan Jonorik and Rachilim came up with while staying at the cave: They'd go to Kenari's plotted camping ground near Ice Mountain to commit a hit-and-run battle to stall the undead army's efforts to prepare for battle within Asgarnia itself. After that, both Jonorik and Rachilim would meet at the village to aid in the defensive.

It was a sound plan, except for one thing: Kenari would know who struck. As a result, They would have to wait until daytime to attack, since Kenari is blinded by the light of day.

At dawn, the two fighters set out on their way to the camp. It took three days to get to the edge of the camp. Yet, they were on time. The skeletons and zombies were at the beginning stages of their camp preparations. By the time of the arrival, the sun was bright. This was the opportunity Rachilim needed to make the first move. Swiftly, she slashed straight through the eastern side of the camp, into the western section. After her came Jonorik, who fought the survivers. Once the camp was clean of all enemies except for Kenari, they left, knowing that Kenari had magical protection during the day.

Back at the village, Jonorik's parents were worried sick for his sake. Not many people back then journeyed into the wilderness and survived. His sister, Kloim, was trying to ease the fear by busying herself with her chores, but it did no good.

At last, a trumpet sounded the signal that one of their fellow Asgarnians has arrived from the wilderness. Everyone in the village went to see who it was. When they saw who it was, cheering roared so loudly, it could be heard from across the river that separated Asgarnia from Misthalin. The arrival was Jonorik accompanied by Rachilim. When the cheering settled down, Jonorik told his parents what happened to him in the wilderness, from meeting Rachilim, to the attack on the camp.

That was good news, indeed, because the village was in the final stages of preparing for battle.

31-May-2010 17:01:23 - Last edited on 01-Dec-2010 18:49:32 by [#07ATURE4Z]



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Outraged by the loss of his minions, Kenari roared angrily in a volume that made it heard from nearly 10 kilometers. The damage dealt to his camp was a clear sign the Asgarnians knew he was coming. The ritual he had to perform to bring back his minions plus multiply them would take 3 days to prepare for and all the 4th day to complete.

While he made his preparations, Kenari made this vow to himself:

"By Zamorak, whoever is the cause of all this, be it some Saradominist filth or a fellow Zamorakian, he, she or they shall pay dearly for this! When I kill whoever did this, the bones will be an addition to my collection of materials to create undead servants! No one interferes with my war campaign and lives! Whoever resists shall die slowly! Strength through Chaos!"

During all of those 3 days, a preist and monk of Saradomin have arrived to bless the army that was assembling to bring Kenari's wars to an end once and for all. Both were shocked to see Rachilim, because she was a well known Zamorakian that killed many people in the Wilderness. Few escaped her grasp during her time there to tell the tale. What made her even more famous was her warrior lineage which dates back as far as the Second Age to go all the way through the God Wars.

Jonorik assured the monk and preist she is not here to harm anyone.

The monk, after some stunned silence, said, "Do you realize what this means? Your two families have crossed blades with each other many times during the God Wars! This could mean Rachilim's family may find her here and wreak havoc on Asgarnia!"

"Even my relatives would think twice before crossing blades with an army that can survive an attack from one of the deadliest ones that ever set foot on the Wilderness!" Rachilim reasoned as she gave a wink to Jonorik.

"I certainly hope we are one of those armies," mumbled the commander angrily due to his natural hate of Zamorakians.

Within two days, Asgarnia was ready to defend itself from invasion.

31-May-2010 17:01:34 - Last edited on 14-Jun-2010 19:41:01 by [#07ATURE4Z]



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The front lines were filled with warriors mounted on unicorns imported from the tribes of Misthalin. The foot soldiers were made up of archers, mages, and warriors each in their own platoons. Amongst the foot soldiers were Jonorik and Rachilim standing side by side. As she always did, Rachilim had her daggers within her hands, ready to attack the enemy when the command came. Jonorik came prepared with his sword, shield, javelins, knives, and armour. He would first throw his javelins and knives when it was the foot soldiers' turn to fight.

It was evening when the army advanced to the edge of the Wilderness, due to the fact Kenari attacks at night. There, as the sun was edging nearer to disappearing, Kenari's army could be seen clearly on the ground. Kenari himself was in mid-air, keeping afloat with his dark magic. As the Asgarnian army entered the Wilderness line by line, both sides gave their war cries.

The mages and archers in Asgarnia's army struck first from a distance, while the archers and mages in Kenari's army retaliated. the shields were lifted so the arrows would not deal any fatal damage to the warriors, though many warriors on both sides perished to the magical flames that exploded on impact. Because Rachilim herself had no shield, Jonorik covered both her and himself as best he could with his own. All around them, warriors were screaming painfully, whirled in every direction helplessly as they died. Thankfully, the power of the unicorns helped heal the warriors nearest to them, many of whom were injured or burned.

At last, the bombardments vanished, as the last arrows were shot. Many mages and archers on both sides were amongst the casualties during that phase of the battle. The impact of the blasts threw Kenari out of sight, though he did not suffer any serious pain yet. Still, this was the opportunity for the mounted warriors to ride into the broken lines of the undead enemy to weaken Kenari's army further.

31-May-2010 17:01:44 - Last edited on 02-Aug-2010 23:44:53 by [#07ATURE4Z]



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The warriors on foot followed the mounted warriors from behind. As this happened, the mounted warriors were devastating the undead army, despite the heavy casualties they suffered themselves. After some extremely fierce fighting, the mounted warriors retreated back into Asgarnia. Due to the heavy damage on the undead army, the foot warriors now had the chance to finish off the rest of the skeletons. The javelins and knives were thrown, slaying the skeleton warriors up front. After that, the close up fighting began.

Though the Asgarnian army seemed to be winning, Rachilim and Jonorik both knew the ways of necromancers. Kenari was using whatever scraps of bones he could to restore a lot of his troops. To win this battle, the two lovers had to fight through the undead army to get to Kenari, which was a breeze for Rachilim, due to her agility and speed, but no easy task for Jonorik.

Focused on restoring his minions, Kenari didn't notice Rachilim as she sliced his staff, the source of his immense dark power, in two. Infuriated then more than ever, Kenari ordered the minions he restored to deal with the rest of the enemy and show no mercy in the process before attacking Rachilim with his sword. Those two were evenly matched in agility and speed, yet physical strength was on the necromancer's side. By the time Jonorik arrived, Rachilim was being tossed into the ground unarmed. Throwing his last knife, he disarmed Kenari with it hitting the blade of his sword. Because Kenari thought it cowardly to surrender, he leaped to fight Jonorik. Even without his sword, the nercromancer was aggressively mighty in melee. Seeing the pattern in Kenari's attacks, Jonorik made a swift turn to the other side and slammed his shield unto him. The impact of the blow instantly killed Kenari, which ultimately left the skeleton army in disarray, causing it to be entirely destroyed by the army of Asgarnia.

Victorious, all the surviving Asgarnian soldiers cheered.

31-May-2010 17:01:55 - Last edited on 01-Dec-2010 19:11:12 by [#07ATURE4Z]



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It was not entirely joyous, however, with all the heavy losses taken. Amongst the wounded was Jonorik's father, Benalm Kran, who could barely walk when he saw his son run up to him.

In time, all the dead were buried. 5 years later, a dance was taking place in what would be now Falador, because it was the day of a wedding. The couple getting married was Jonorik and Rachilim, who was by then Saradominist due to her decision being that she has seen enough chaos after the battle that ended with Kenari's death. Her daggers were now souvenirs placed upon the wall of the dwelling where she and Jonorik would spend the rest of their lives together. They had a family and lived long together until their peaceful deaths.

That ends the story of the Couple of Opposites.

31-May-2010 17:02:11 - Last edited on 14-Jun-2010 21:10:19 by [#07ATURE4Z]

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