"Who's there!?" spoke Jack, fear in his voice.
"Who am I? I think the better question is who are we." said the voice...Jack turned around and what he saw shocked him.
"Hundreds of you! Hundreds like me!"
"The correct number is 164,807 of us, am I correct?" he said
"Actually it's 164,808, Shaun joined yesterday!" a random voice spoke.
"Thank you Jon."
Jack seemed to think this guy was the leader. He was eager to know his savior's name.
"Who are you?" Jack said with a little more spirit in him.
"Oh, yes, sorry about skipping over that, the names Robert" Robert spoke casually, like he was used to being trapped in a computer.
Jack felt a bit less fearful of being trapped, he now had a social group.
"Um, how did yo-" He was cut off by Robert speaking out.
"Simple really, we think of a thread we would like to visit and it takes us to the grid, we then find a flashing square and hop in." Robert grinned. Jack had no idea what he was talking about.
"U-um, uh, can you give me a, um, a more broken done version of that...please?" Jack stuttered.
"Oh, I am really forgetful sometimes, well you should have down the thinking of a thread part, correct?" Robert talked slowly, like Jack was mental.
Jack nodded.
"Okay then, the grid is like, well, on Mac's they have a spreadsheet, you know what that is?" Jack nodded again. "Well yea it's like that, we have walkways to find the flashing square, the flashing square is a system to reveal a thread someone new has entered."
Jack was still kind of confused.
"Forget it..." Robert said hopelessly.
"You're with us now, you want to survive so stick with us."
"Now, think of the clan thread, thats our next destination."
Robert really knew what he was doing, the way everyone responded Jack knew he was really the leader.
Jack thought hard of the clan thread, but his mind strayed to home for a single second, that was enough to get him killed...
*End Chapter 3*
31-Oct-2007 23:49:25
- Last edited on
01-Nov-2007 00:08:39