people say always need to repair, but that discourages noobs. u get a ton of use out of it before it breaks, and 270k fully repairs a broken set. so as long as ur not killing mice for about 2 months straight, ur going to make money overall. also i havent repaired my armour once scince i got it about 2 months ago, and ive been using it a lot. u repair it not that often, and at a good price, right now its at 25, so ima get 200k from dragons then rrepair it, and 270k is not the weapon,s i dont count them as an armour set. 360k repairs full set with weapon. but 200k is abotu what it takes to repair armour alone at a player owned armour stand, going to have a friend repair it lol.
but thanks for your intake, i like dragon a little less, and it is the highest armour that doesnt need to be repaired, but if u do bandos with barrows gloves and a good cape, then it is a little better, but dragon with barrows will always be best. but as for repaired goes, torag's is best due to the fact it gives 2nd highest in game (1st not including torva or any specialties) and many ppl say dharoks givwes higher, but it is the exact same. and it only costs about 1.6m for the armour set. that is why i will always believe it is good, as dragon armour requires about 10m for a whole set if u do med helm, more if u do full helm.
05-Jul-2011 04:58:52