=)--+ Chapter 53: School of Runescape +--(=
The blast in chp 51 practically teleothered everyone (sometimes in groups) to different places in the RS world, even undiscovered places. They are also un-able to use private chat, as it is disabled for them until the spell (that is emitted from the blast) wears off. Giant Noob is now in some unknown area in the RS world...
Symphon: Dude! Wake up!
Giant Noob: (dreaming) Dont take my shiny GP away! Mum please NOOOO!
Symphon: Ugh! *throws water on Giant*
Giant Noob: *wakes up* Oh sorry, where am I? and who are you?
Symphon: Hi Giant Noob! You're famous in these parts of the world! We enjoyed your troubles and the clan you've made, you're hillarious! I am a student at this school in RS, a recent update! Now you can get a diploma for studying RS stuff!
Giant Noob: Wow I didn't know I was well known! So who are you?
Symphon: My name is symphon, and I am an advanced student at the school of RS! You should join it too!
Giant Noob: Hmm beats irl school!
In School Giant Noob is in the beginner classes learning how to make...
Teacher: Shortbows! You use this knife to cut the log like this! Into a unf Shortbow! Now you try it!
All students try to cut a log into a unf shortbow, most get it right...
Giant Noob: Er miss?
Teacher: Yes?
Giant Noob: I have this pinkish soft thing in my log!
Teacher: Let me take a look...OMG You cut off your thumb? How? Those knives were very blunt and only could cut through logs!
Giant Noob: I was testing it on my hands to see if it could chop through them first!
Teacher: Ok take your emergency shrimp out of your desk and eat it!
After school:
Symphon: Hey Giant! Whats up?
Giant Noob: The teacher said i'm special and now im in a class where im wearing padded gloves and strapped in a chair at all times!
Symphon: Lol! Anyway meet my friend, Hypernh3ppy, call me hype for short!
Hype: Hey Giant! You own bro!
Giant Noob: Thanks! This school seems interesting. I wanna stay here forever!
=}--+ Chapter 54: Back to Tutorial Island! +--{=
Some people managed to land on tutorial isle. L00b is the first to wake up...
L00b: Wow what happened? This better not be BANLAND
Guide: Welcome to tutorial island! We have a guest for you!
L00b: Hmm
Merch Guard: You stupid noob! Abusing those bugs! Its against the spirit of the game! Manipulating pixels!
L00b: ROFL! Don't you do that?
Merch Guard: No..wait! Shut up! *hits 2*
L00b: Omg why me? Survival expert help me!
Survival Expert: To survive you will need *gives l00b a hatchet and a net*
L00b: Hmm gotta remember what to do with these...
Merch Guard: Get over here noob!
L00b: Aha! I remember! *drinks a glitch pot and cuts trees at an incredible speed and smacks the guard with some shrimp*
Merch Guard: You NOOB!
L00b: Volia! *zooms around the guard + puts loads of logs around him and sets them alight creating a masterpiece, which kills the guard*
Survival Expert: Wow now theres something out of the ordinary! Move along!
A hamster flies over L00b...
L00b: Hmm hamster flying, kitty must be nearby!
Kitty: Meow!
L00b: Hey! Kitty!
Kitty: Hi! Where are we?
L00b: Tutorial Island! We gotta complete it again -.-
They pass the experts and get to Vannaka!
Vannaka: Hey Mortals! I own you all! So this is how you own people in the wildy! You put your prayer on like this! Then you grab D claws and use the spec twice on them! Easy kills! Lost any money? Well you can do this new method called 26king! You do this....
Kitty: I don't think hes going to help us...Wow look over there!
In the rat pit, theres a lot of rats all swarming on what appears to be a person lieing there unconcious!
Kitty: Its Gaara! Hes not breathing oh no =/ *kills at the rats and tries to revive Gaara!*
Gaara: *cough* huh! Oh thanks Kitty! I had this weirdest dream that I was been pinned down by loads of
L00b: Rats?
Gaara: Yes, *looks around* oh
Kitty: Well we better be heading upstairs and out of tutorial island *very happy*
27/27 120 skills achieved!
26/27 MoA Pets!
Completionist - 3.7b Total XP
Twitter: @Jacoob_RS
22-Jun-2009 00:56:28
- Last edited on
24-Jul-2009 20:24:04
=}--+ Chapter 55: The Eastern Lands +--{=
The Undiscovered Eastern lands...are being discovered accidently by random people as they trek for the boat for port phamtys.. whatever it is, lets just call it "ghostly port".
Choco: Wow where are we?
NPC 1: Haro! Yu are in eastarn lands!
Choco: Er hi? Speak better english?
NPC 2: We speak good engwish!
Choco: Cute accents. Anyway I need to get out of here, where do I go?
NPC 3: Yu need to go to the {enter
Choco: WT*? Uncoded? Ugh Looks like I have to find my own way around...
Choco goes to this small village which specialises in martial arts, sumo-wrestling and kung fu.
Choco: Wow interesting!
NPC 4: We will now witness the battle! Sumo Wrestler VS Freeze!
Freeze: WTF? This is my punishment for accidently freezing your chickens?
NPC 4: You will die slowly!
Freeze: We'll see about that! *sumo hits 9 on him* OW!
Sumo: Die noob! *Flattens Freeze*
Freeze: OMG EWW GROSE! *gets grosed out and he gets an outer coating of ice and slides out of the sumo's grasp and then jumps out of the ring*
NPC 4: Hes escaping! Guards GET HIM!
Choco: Freeze over here! Lets get outta here!
NPC 5: You're not going anywhere! Give me that sword!
Choco: Im'ma Firin' my lazor! *hits 30 - kills the NPC* Run!
Choco and Freeze run to the western side of the easter lands while Scared O is busy at the port enjoying himself!
Scared O: Why are the boats like this? Some weird sail design!
NPC 6: Quiet! We have the best sail designs! DO NOT TOUCH THEM!
Scared O: Wow this is boring, I have to wait hours for a boat, hmmm oh look there some long pointy iron spits on a long twig...
Suddenly choco and freeze come running down the path to a boat!
Freeze: Hey Scared O! Get in quick!
Residents: GET THEM! They ruined our tradition!
Scared O: Ok! *takes the pointy thing*
Choco: I wonder how long it is to the ghostly port...oh now, they are comming, with their boats and what appears to be, fireworks?
27/27 120 skills achieved!
26/27 MoA Pets!
Completionist - 3.7b Total XP
Twitter: @Jacoob_RS
22-Jun-2009 01:03:07
- Last edited on
23-Jun-2009 01:01:25