
Giant Noob

Quick find code: 49-50-887-58516707

Apr Member 2010


Posts: 4,425 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
lol, check this out
preview on the "first person scaper" chapter [FAKE]
*dramatic music*
narrator:coming in a chapter in you
giant noob: camera update? first person? okay guys, i've gotta tell you why i'm a noob at runescape.
narrator:giant noob
giant noob:GET DOWN!!! *shoots a pker in the head*
narrator:will become
giant noob's clan:RUN!!!
narrator:the be-
giant noob: DON'T SPOIL THE SURPRISE!!! :O
director: okay! okay! geez... i was making dramatic trailer for the "first person scaper" chapter... :(
giant noob:well leave me out of it...
director:sigh... fine... :@
james:i think giant noob is right, it's jacob's job to make the scripts, write the stories, etc., so leave us out of it too.-_-
giant noob's clan:yeah!
director:wha-hey! come back! HEY! you're all not getting your pay! :@
james:you never were gonna pay us!>_>
director:COME BAAAAAAAAAACK! *sniff* now i'll never make a cheap parody of the preview of the "first person scaper" chapter! what am i gonna do now? :(
filming crew guy#1:umm... how about, uh, i dunno... GET A JOB!?!?
director:hey, that's not a bad idea! i could bot and do RWT! :D
filming crew guy#1:that's not what i meant... O_o
director:of course it was! i'll start right now! :D
filming crew guy#2:i'll give him -1 nanoseconds until he's banned...
filming crew guy#3:yeah, he's worst at doing illegal things in rs unnoticed...
-1 nanoseconds layer...
director:aww... :(
this isn't the actual preview idea, i was just doing something funny! :P
Roses are grey, violets are grey, I'm in Pompeii, I'm lost.

31-Jul-2011 05:49:41 - Last edited on 18-Aug-2011 21:36:42 by Jimothey



Posts: 236 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
DS: hey slayyer, nice loot!
Slayyer: thanks, this noob was making fun of me.
DS: =\
Slayyer: dont you hate people who bot?
DS: yeah, they even bot at dragons, i get less kills
Slayyer: well, M.H just made the whole world a wilderness, wanna go pking?
DS: oh heck ya!
in the chaos tunnels...
Green Dragon: OH &*%! here he comes!
BBD: (baby black dragon) spare me!
GD: ill protect you, and so will this legion of bots!
DS: RARGH! *dfs special blows a huge hole in the line of bots*
Slayyer: TASTE VENGEANCE! *dragons all breathe fire and hit 998, which is reflected on theirselves*
M.H.: How were 50 bots killed within seconds? i programmed them with battle tactics!?!?
Bot Control: S1r, w3 h4v3 f0und th4t DS, 4 sl4y3r 0f dr4g0ns, h4s th3 4b1l1ty t0 k1ll dr4g0ns 4t 4 r4p1d p4c3, 4nd sl4yy3r c4n k1ll pr3tty much 4nyth1ng.
" sir, we have found that DS, a slayer of dragons, has the ability to slay dragons at a rapid pace, and slayyer can kill pretty much anything. "
M.H.: thy must be targeted and deleted, and you need to stop talking noob.
Nice 1! lemme continue
Bot Control: Sir, we have found Slayyer and DS
M.H: Very good *teles to their location*
*M.H appears*
M.H :D ie Slayyer and DS!
*Makes a lv.3107 Chaos dragon who has 10,000 hitpoints*
Slayyer and DS:A Dragon!!
Slayyer: Taste The Power Of Slayyer!!!!
DS: Feel The Power!!!!!
*both Slayyer and DS Hit an Amazing 2000 each*
M.H: Oh No ill Get U Slayyer and DS for that But untill next time!
Slayyer: that was easy i didnt even do my spec
DS:me too
*Chaos Dragon goes with M.H*
Hows that?

31-Jul-2011 10:45:21 - Last edited on 31-Jul-2011 10:55:57 by Suhailj



Posts: 236 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
New Things That Slayyer Has Got
- A Special Shield Made From A Dragonic Visage with a Gold trim and The Guthix Symbol on it (what it does?- Protects From Dragon fire, Gets Charged by Power And Whatever hits it and Blasts it on the monster/player Hits multiple players/Monsters in Multicombat.
-99 prayer and a new ability- The power of Guthix which makes u hit more higher and gives u ultimate power over anything
P.S : Slayyer has more armour then metioned in his bank + alot of stuff for fun like holiday rewards.
Thats all for now!

31-Jul-2011 10:54:32 - Last edited on 31-Jul-2011 11:09:23 by Suhailj



Posts: 236 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Character Name: Banker
Character's Combat level: 138
Noobiness of character (1-10, 1 being least nooby, 10 being s00p3r n00bz0r):0
Speciality: (how is this character special, yes the char can be normal )He Banks ur items and gives u access to the ge
Other details (you can include quotes that you want it to say): Wears a special banker's suit and when in danger he wears full torva (shocking eh?) with a chaotic sword

31-Jul-2011 11:06:36

Jul Member 2021


Posts: 730 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
nice continuing! though the dragon should be level 1337 lol.
(¸.•´ (¸.•...DRAGONSLAYEH..•.¸)..`•.¸)

31-Jul-2011 22:04:27

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