Listed here are the 'Gifts' that Death has bestowed upon you, each serving to ease your transition into the realm and grant you capabilities beyond what your average mortal can achieve. It is not necessary to select these, for each of you possesses them all.
Spark of True Death
: Immortal techniques and abilities that would otherwise render them unkillable, or restored if defeated, are denied so long as you are the one to deliver the final blow. You wield the power to grant death to the deathless.
Myriad Tongues
: You are able to speak, read and understand all languages you come across. You shall not be held by barriers of language.
Mark of Mortality
: While you may extend your natural lifespan, never shall you achieve the ultimate sin of immortality. Death comes to all, eventually.
Will of the Lost
: You are dramatically more resistant to abilities that influence or attack your mind and emotions. You shall be no slave to the eternals.
Prodigal Soul
: The time it takes for you to learn and grow to master skills and magic is greatly reduced. Something ethereal guides you to be better with every day.
I am Inferi.
23-Dec-2023 04:01:28
- Last edited on
26-Dec-2023 05:20:41
George Rozas