: Humans are one of the most numerous races in the realm, having spread out far and wide across the world. From the deserts to the plains, to the snowy tundras and the hills - humans get just about everywhere. They are adaptable and quick to learn, but few tend to stand out as marvels. Their lifespan tends to be about 80-90 years, but as with all races of the civilized world there are always exceptions.
: The elvenfolk of the realm are a lithe bunch, their physiques slim but elongated, making them somewhat taller than the other races on average, but lighter. Their limbs are what humans would call abnormally long, beyond gangly, with angular faces and pointed ears. Elves possess unusual eye and hair colours, by human standards, and have sharp, shark-like teeth well suited to tearing flesh. They are a tribal people, rarely seen outside the jungles of Alt'kath or the Molog Swamplands. They are naturally swift thanks to their lighter frames, but in exchange their bones are more fragile from being slightly hollow. They have an extended lifespan, capable of reaching 300 years old.
: The dwarven people are a short and stocky race with dense bones that can withstand surprising punishment, giving Dwarves a reputation for being hardy and tough. The tallest dwarf to ever be known was recorded at 4'6" tall, but rarely do such heights get repeated, your average dwarf standing at 4'0 or below. The menfolk of the dwarves grow thick, elaborate facial hair that is tougher than the hair of other races, the people taking great pride in their beards to the point where a beardless male is seen as a dwarf possessed by madness. They dig beneath mountains to plunder riches from the earth, their underground strongholds scattered over the world - but many a tale has been told of dwarfholds that fall quiet, mysteriously, when the people dug too deep. Known to reach lifespans rivaling that of the elvenfolk, of 300 years.
I am Inferi.
23-Dec-2023 04:01:20
- Last edited on
23-Dec-2023 15:52:03
George Rozas