At this point, I want Azi to post before I continue on. It'll give me a few days to work on my post for your character's father. Plus I need to re-read the post on what happened to him. I think he tripped and mangled his ankle or something.
Just your friendly neighborhood gay boy!
Tom took a tumbling down a hill, from what I read, also, I seem to have retconned Brimblemir and Haegar's personalities. Haegar' the gay gerontophile hasn't been trying to seduce Vyras nearly enough. Time and place perhaps? Meh. Gerontophilia is pretty disgusting anyway. This change suits Haegar, lol. I'll leave Haegar's earlier comments up, because I am too lazy to change them.
Just your friendly neighborhood gay boy!
Bored and annoyed, Annie. Annoyed because my phone charger broke on me within a month of me getting it. Got the charger off Amazon, and this is the second charger to die on me within a month. I treated the charger well, and it still broke.
I can deal with the boredom bit.
Just your friendly neighborhood gay boy!